
3 for Thursday

1. There is no real blog post today because I pulled the Epstein Barr card last night. As in “can’t cook dinner. Epstein Barr.” So we went to Panera and then I went to bed by 8:45pm. For the night. Will try to have something good for you to look at tomorrow.

2. Jack has sorta try outs for the middle school Talent Show today for his band today after school. They are actually sounding like a band! (the picture is missing 1 member of the band and the keyboard player doesn’t have his keyboard). The actual talent show is in late May so they have plenty of time to practice. And I’ll have some time to take some additional pictures.

3. After almost killing Timmy last Friday (he had a terrible allergic reaction to the Ensure I gave him with red eyes, runny nose, vomiting, wheezing, and hives) he has an appointment with the allergist later today. I have NO idea what caused his terrible reaction and am hoping to find something out today.