

Yup, those are my boys. Goofy thru and thru. They are so good to eachother though. Today Patrick ended up missing his class (all of third grade went) field trip to a Mexican Restaurant. He came home with a terrible stomach this morning and was SO BUMMED he was going to miss the trip. After being home for a while and eating a plain bagel and being completely fine, I was going to take him over to the restaurant to meet his class, but after he and I both gave it some additional thought, we skipped the trip. Mexican isn’t exactly the way you want to go after having stomach trouble and riding on a bumpy hot school bus right after eating…not so much.

So, we ended up taking him over to school after the trip so he could go the rest of the day. When we got there the buses were pulling up and Jack saw me and was hysterical crying. He was so upset that Patrick didn’t get to go. He had a good time, but even his teacher said he was missing Patrick and felt so bad that he couldn’t be there. Luckily, Patrick’s teacher is so sweet and picked up a gift certificate so that Patrick can go and eat there. So now his being home instead of going on the trip is going to cost me about $100 so we can ALL go eat there. He was fine the rest of the day, even had pizza and a meatball hero for dinner. Img_4324sc