personal,  school

the school fair

Fairoside_practice_141sc Fairoside_practice_001sc The boys school has a big fundraiser fair every year. It’s really a fun day, with lots of stuff going on for the kids to do. Some of the teachers show up during the day too so it makes it fun for the kids to see their teachers "out and about". Brought the new camera for practice and got a few shots. I am noticing that the color coming out of the new camera is just incredible. I am loving that. Fairoside_practice_003sc Fairoside_practice_058x_2

Also took the big boys outside for some more camera practice. There are just so many more settings and options on this camera and I have a looooong way to go until I feel totally comfortable with it. And for any of you who might have noticed, the boys are in opposite colors than usual. Fairoside_practice_115sc Fairoside_practice_120sc

I am in the middle of editing yesterday’s photoshoot at the beach. I am hoping to have those done and up on the blog by Wednesday.