bsquared business,  personal

i’ll cross that bridge when…

A few bridge pictures from back in the summer. Yeah, I’m THAT behind. Been taking some online classes recently on editing & post processing and having a great time playing around with my newfound knowledge.

And an entirely different kind of bridge…

And just one last thing…trying to get some more participation going on here on the bsquared blog from you, my trusty readers. How would you feel about a little incentive? When I post a family’s session, they can receive a free bsquared gift if they receive 10 or more comments on the blog post. So all you’ll have to do to help them out is post a little comment on their session. (not going to tell you what that gift is though- you’ll have to wait your turn for your bsquared session and get your 10 comments to find out what it is!) Thoughts?? Comment below. Who knows, maybe someone will win a little something for commenting… (yeah, I’m all about the bribes.)