children & families,  personal

st. patrick’s parade

Sat in our “box seats” again for this year’s parade. It was ffffffreezing outside and the sun was in and out which didn’t help much either, but still a wonderful parade and great seeing lots of friends marching.

The Mayor (looking chilly) and the Marines. Great way to start off the parade.

Father Bill. Looks like he’s having fun.Aunt Feather on drums.Uncle Joe on drums.A few friends girls dancing/marching.And the friends.You bet your butt I’ll be calling AC Basile to see if he’ll let me rent his truck for a day. Or several. The Sullivan kids freezing and marching with Mr. Met.Some of the parade committee that I’m happy to have as friends too.Too cute. Both of you!Nothing ends a parade quite like Uncle Jerry.And a last friend sighting before heading inside.