
fireworks & friends

On Saturday, we (John, the 3 boys, my parents, and I)went to our town’s annual fireworks display, and met up with my oldest friend, her parents, boyfriend, and kids-which is quickly becoming one of our favorite traditions. Our family has gone to the fireworks for many years already, but meeting them there has been over the last 2 years. It certainly is helpful that my friends dad, Uncle J is in charge of the auxilluary police in town and we get good parking because that place is a mob scene! I have been friends with "I" since we were 8 years old- day camp, hebrew school, sleepaway camp, highschool, an apartment together after graduate school, weddings, kids, and now, we have done so much together and really grown up together. It’s good having someone know you like that. And "YOU DON’T HAVE LUPUS (or lymphoma)". Love you, I.

When we brought Jack and Patrick to the fireworks for the first time (they were about a month shy of 3 years old) they both FREAKED out over the fireworks-at least the noise of them. They were so hysterical we had to leave right away. Patrick was so scared, he bit me on the shoulder while I was carrying him. I mean HARD. Broke the skin and everything. I will never let him forget it, either. They really like the fireworks now, and Timmy was not scared at all. He really liked them a lot, and kept naming all the colors. "I like it the fireworks". It was a Fireworks07_031sc fun night. No one got to bed until after 10:30pm. Fireworks07_011sc Fireworks07_021sc

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