graduation,  personal,  school

jack & patrick graduate 8th grade

Well, they sorta did. Last week was all of the middle school graduation activities. First was awards night where some of the 8th graders received different awards for both character and academics. The boys both won an excellence in Spanish award (which is really rather ironic as Jack will be taking German next year, and Patrick Mandarin Chinese). As it turns out, that was pretty much their last event of graduation week. Thursday Jack went to the graduation party/dance as I took Patrick to an after hours doctor to be diagnosed with pink eye. In both eyes. So needless to say, he wasn’t going to the dance. The next day was graduation and earlier that morning Jack started with a raging stomach virus. So instead of infecting the whole school, they missed graduation. Which was a big bummer (at least to me) and a big disappointment that their names weren’t even announced at the ceremony (even though I did call that morning to let them know the boys were sick and wouldn’t be able to attend the ceremony). I picked up their diplomas yesterday and letting the whole event go. Moving on to high school next year and sooooo excited for them and all their new adventures.

And I think they grew again overnight. Pictures from awards night.

Their friends (and Royals teammates) Johnny & Anthony both won citizenship awards. Great job by great boys!