baseball,  personal

the 36th annual beyrer family fishing trip (meaning softball game. of course.)

Right after we got home from our California & Arizona adventures, we went to the annual Pt. Lookout family reunion. Which is still called the fishing trip. But there is no fishing, only softball. You understand completely now, right?

Most of the whole motley crew that was there. From the left, back row: baby Matthew, held by his grandma Maureen, Laura, Sean, Chris, Kevin, holding Gabby, Bobby, Tim, Inez, Dick, John, Grandpa Jack & me. front row: Timmy, Brendan (kneeling), Quinn, Joe, Danny, Aidan, Sean, Patrick & Jack.

Some of the game mixed in with some of the scenes at the field. Inez was laughing cause her godson (Patrick) is soooo much taller than her now.
Think its pretty funny how 3 out of the 4 Beyrers pictured have their hands on their hips. Yeah, you don’t juggle. Some of the cousins. A few were missing but the ones that were there were pretty cute.
Thanks Uncle Dick and Aunt Cathy for another year of fun!