
photo a day- day 18

Hoping to be leaving the frozen effing tundra that is New York and heading to the warm sunniness of south Florida. That was actually supposed to happen today, like right this minute I should be taking off, but because of the weather advisory the airline said you could switch your flight to another day. I figured with the forecast that was the way to go. Especially after seeing what happened to so many of my friends when the last storm hit and everyone got cancelled and stranded. But of course since I did change our flight, it’s now perfectly fine out. With my traveling luck, tomorrow will be crappy and our flight will get either delayed, cancelled or crash. Yes, I am that optimistic when it comes to flying.

And if I don’t see this sight again for the rest of my life, I will be perfectly okay with that. I need warmth, sun, palm trees, beaches and a tan. Bad. Hoping tomorrows picture of the day has some of those items in it instead of this bullish*t.