beach,  personal,  travel

photo a day- day 19

Ahhhhh….much better.

So, so happy to be back in the land of color and warmth. I seriously almost cried from happiness looking out of the plane window and seeing blue skies and green grass and NO FREAKING SNOW. The flight was good (and we didn’t crash- so yay!). Stopped at the beach at sunset on the way to the apartment from the airport, so worth the stopover. Then Padrino’s for dinner. Like I said, much better.

I can’t tell if the picture is edited correctly or if the color is all weird, if the exposure is too light or dark or anything else since I’m working from my laptop. So if it looks all weird, sorry. I’ll reedit all of the Florida pictures once I get home. But I gotta keep up with the photo a day project.