children & families

the lang boys {mini session}



These are my good friend G’s boys. She informed me that she was ‘sick of her own face’ and opted out of the pictures, but the boys did such a great job that I suppose I can forgive her (and her face, which I am not sick of).

Her boys are awesome and really ALL boy. Last year’s shoot, I took a few pictures of them up in their favorite tree in the yard. That tree has sadly been torn down (it was sick) but the boys were drawn like magnets to the trees in the park. Go figure! And I couldn’t resist a bunch in the trees there.



They are handsome devils, aren’t they?




And a big thanks to G for watching MY boys while I shot her boys. Shoots for friends are good like that. Oh, that and the fact we barter photoshoots for massages- that’s a good thing too!


To see all of the images from this mini-session, please click HERE.