• disney

    at my winter home

    Well, it was once. And I am there now, but unfortunately even after asking really nicely, they won’t let me sleep there again. New blog posts coming soon (with lots of Disney pictures of course). Hope all of you got to spend some time in your happy place over vacation!

  • disney,  personal,  travel,  video your shoot

    disney 2010

    So, here’s a recap of our trip in pictures and video. And just a little narrative (because it’s 2am when I’m writing this post and the boys were horrendous today and I’m worn OUT).








    We went on Big Thunder about 12 times over the course of our week’s trip. Timmy was finally tall enough to go on, and he LOVED it. Really, really loved it. Like laughed hysterically the whole time (see the video).







    Our friends from town ended up going to Disney on the same flight down, staying at the same hotel (Wilderness Lodge, although we were at the Villas), same parks on same days (not all the time, but often) and flew home the same day (but on different flights). All completely unplanned and undiscussed until like a week before when we realized we had the same trip. How fun! We texted all the time the whole week and kept running into eachother which just made me happy!


    web351 YYou would not believe me if I told you the huge hubub this pink pirate bandana caused with the boys. They did not like it. Not one little bit. But of course that only egged John to wear it all the more.



    Jack is obsessed with Canada. Totally obsessed.web39

    This video is definitely my favorite, favorite out of the 3 I made from Disney. So much fun!! And by the way, do you have any idea how difficult it is to film while riding a roller coaster backward?

    Thanks for watching! Would love to hear from you all to see what you think about the video. Leave me a comment if you feel like it.

  • disney,  personal,  travel

    Jedi Training Academy (aka 28 pounds of unbridled fury)


    A few days after the Pirates League at Disney, we hit the Jedi Training Academy over at Disney Hollywood Studios. After doing my research I found out that now they don’t pick kids out of the crowd like they used to, but now you have to be the first 15 kids on line to get on stage for the next training session. We got to the park at opening (that was a feat in itself) and while John ran over to get FastPasses for Toy Story Mania, the boys and I ran over to the Star Wars area and got on line. It was quite a wait (about 45 minutes) but they were all good and patient. And the big boys played the part of the excellent big brothers once again and participated with Timmy (who was over the moon excited about the whole thing.




    Timmy is on the small side (like 15th %tile for height and weight) and he was a total crack up on the stage. The Jedi Master said he was “28 pounds of unbridled fury” when he went to fight Darth Vader. Love the size difference between him and Darth.


    Timmy had a GREAT time, and Jack & Patrick tolerated the whole thing (again) for Timmy. I love the look on the big boys faces watching Timmy fight DV in the video. Too funny.


    And here’s the video, with included Star Wars music.

    Thanks for watching!

  • disney,  personal

    6 for Sunday, on Monday

    1. Timmy got new “glasses”. He’s making everyone call him Albert Einstein when he wears them.


    2. The storm here on Saturday night was crazy. Luckily, we didn’t sustain any damage other than a broken patio umbrella, but this town is a wreck. So many trees down (on peoples houses, across streets, leaning on power lines) and power lines down. A few friends have no power even still. We lost power for a little bit Sunday but I think it was because they turned it off to fix other things on our grid. The wind was whipping (like 70 mph they said) and the rain was heavy, and there was even thunder & lightening. What is with the weather lately?? I hope it’s getting it all out of it’s system now, so we have a nice, sunny photoshoot spring and summer (and fall, too).


    3. Lady Gaga- still not getting it. The only song I like is Paparazzi and that’s cause of my camera and paparazzi tendencies. She’s very interesting but I can’t get past just that.


    4. Just booked a trip (no, not to Florida) to Washington DC for a weekend in March. Going to see my friend from U of Miami, Nate, and his family. Of course, lots of sightseeing too. Hoping that we’ll be in time for the cherry blossoms. And my parents are coming along so that should be extra fun (but NO trips to 5 guys, okay Hakka?)


    5. I know there has been a real lack of blog material lately, but that is just about to change. I have 3 shoots this week (one this morning in Queens, one Friday and a party Saturday night) plus the St Patricks parade on Saturday, and then in two weeks the calendar starts getting very busy again. Almost communion season and you know how busy that is!


    6.  Been watching Dreamgirls on tv the last two days. Wow, that Jennifer Hudson can sing, and Beyonce is beautiful and so talented. Wish I had seen the Broadway show. Thinking about getting tickets to see West Side Story though. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to a show.


    Almost all the pictures in this post really had just about nothing to do with the 6 things I wrote about. A full recap post from Disney coming up along with 2 more videos from the trip. Later this week, I think.

  • disney,  personal

    yo ho, yo ho…a pirates life for me


    On our February Disney trip, we tried something new and took the boys to the Pirate’s League for a day of Piratey stuff. They have costumes, make up, accessories, you get a pirate name, and theres even a secret room.









    Timmy was SO excited about the Pirates League, and Jack &  Patrick being the awesome big brothers they are, decided to go along and get piratey too. Patrick ended up being pretty psyched about the whole thing, but Jack was definitely the reluctant pirate. You can tell from his expressions in all the pictures.













    I tried my first video with the Flip camera and did some editing, throwing in some pictures and music. Don’t worry, I’m totally sticking with photography (and leaving the videos to Jerry for the client shoots) but it was definitely fun to do some video too. I’m planning on posting 2 more (at least) videos from Disney too, so be on the lookout for those. If this one isn’t too terrible to watch.

    There are about a thousand pictures of the boys all pirated up, but I couldn’t narrow them down for the blog, so on this rainy day you get lots to look at and a video too.

    Tell me he’s not the cutest pirate you ever saw. In your whole life even.



    A happy to participate and be funny and silly at Disney pirate (and you can see what he’s going to look like as an adult a little here).


    And the reluctant pirate.


    Yo ho, and all that!

