• personal,  photography

    monday me

    A picture of me (that I actually liked) taken by a bsquared photography student (Jeannine of the awesome Jeannine’s Boutique) outside of the house during a lesson on a freeeeeeezing cold morning (hence the red nose).

    Some Beth trivia for today. You are more than welcome to skip this if you aren’t terribly interested.

    1. I wear my coat inside the house all day, pretty much every day from about November until April. People who come to the door ask me if I just got in or if I’m going out and I’m always perplexed as to why the are asking.

    2. I only watch movies I’ve already seen at least once while I edit. (so I don’t get too distracted but so I have some background entertainment).

    3. Is constantly amazed (and not in a good way) why no boy is capable of picking up after themselves in this house. And feels like I might lose my shit if I pick up the same things one more time. Like you might read about me in the paper.

    4. Wants to go travel to Versailles, Florence, all of Japan, Ireland and England and take tons of pictures there. But isn’t confident any of those trips are ever going to happen. But if they do, someone’s going to have to drug my ass for the flights.

    5. Wants to rebrand my business and completely redecorate my house almost weekly.

    6. Drives as fast I can for as long as I can cause there’s always traffic somewhere. (made it home from Cooperstown NY in 3hrs and 31min and I don’t think anyone passed me the whole way home).

    7. Cannot stand flakey people. Do what you say you’re going to do.

    8. Can’t work at a messy desk.

    9. Doesn’t feel 43, and is often shocked when looking in a mirror and seeing all of those wrinkles and age. I think I’m still in my 20s.

    10. Hates mornings no matter what time I go to bed (early or late) but can stay up all night easy. (and I often do- at least until 2 or 3am)

    11. Can’t stand coffee, soda or beer, but can’t make it thru the day without some chocolate. And could eat sushi every single day.

    12. Curses like a truck driver.

    12. I am completely and utterly obsessed with The Walking Dead. And can’t wait to see what happens but don’t want the season to end in 2 weeks. What the hell am I going to do until October?? (I’m a Rick and Daryl fan, by the way and am doing anything I can think of to get on set for next season to be a photographer. Or an extra. Or a bystander/stalker/gawker). Anyone want to help me out with this?


  • children & families,  personal,  personal & corporate branding {headshots},  photography

    been seen

    So those of you who are my Facebook friends know that I’ve recently signed Timmy up with a modeling agency. He’s booked a job as a background extra on 30 Rock (I watched the scene/episode he was in and didn’t really see him, but it was a fun experience nonetheless. And he still got paid!), got a call for a go-see for Toys R US that we couldn’t make cause we were going to be in Disney, then a call for a Children’s Place go-see where he was one about 5,329 kids being seen (I don’t think he got that job cause we haven’t heard anything). Then I got a call the other day that the casting people on a new pilot for CBS (tv) chose Timmy to be in the print ads for the show and maybe some extra work on it as well. The show is called The Ordained. The wardrobe dept. called me to let me know what he’s going to be wearing for the shoot/set- it’s a Kennedy-esque family set in 1988. So think a preppy, 80’s Kennedy kid. So excited!! Looks like the shoot will be next week. I’ll keep you all posted. Oh, and Jorge Garcia (aka Hurley/Hugo from LOST) is one of the cast members. Who knows, maybe we’ll get to meet Hurley!

    Here’s Timmy on his go-see for Children’s Place. You know I loooooove that shirt!

    And as luck would have it, I recently bought a pair of penny loafers, a pair of chuck taylors and a pair of Ray-Bans for Timmy for a stylized shoot I’m working on. (the penny loafers are also for his upcoming communion). So in the realm of all things 1988 preppy Kennedy kid, he threw on the glasses and popped his collar. Like, bitchin.

  • bsquared business,  photography

    bsquared photography tutorials

    So here it is the slow season for photography- no weddings until the summer, no family sessions scheduled until March. And I’m trying to shoot for myself a bit, catch up on some projects, make some overdue doctors appointments/check ups, but if you know me you know I’m not happy unless I have about a million balls in the air all at once. So to that end, I’m offering some photography and photoshop tutorials to any bsquared readers/clients/friends who might want to learn how to better use their cameras (read: get out of auto mode and learn what all those dials and buttons actually do!!)  learn some post processing in photoshop or lightroom, and learn a bit about photography in general. I’ll be offering both group classes as well as private lessons. All you’ll need is an SLR camera (the “big” ones where the lenses are interchangeable) and a brain. It would probably help to bring both to class.

    Please note that the classes are only for beginners or those with some photography experience. No professional photographers nor those looking to become one. Just those of you who want to learn to do a great job taking pictures of your families/kids/parties/vacations.

    Classes will be held in my home in the month of February, possibly adding a few in March depending on the interest and availability.

    Daytime classes or private lessons for 2hrs available between the hours of 9:30am-12:30pm (we can get started anytime in that window). Evening classes or private lessons starting at 8:30pm until 10:30pm. A class is 3 or more people. 2 people is still considered a private lesson. We can decide on a syllabus for your class or private lesson based on what best fits your needs and what you want to learn.

    Prices are $70 per person for a 2hr class, $85 per person for a 2hr private lesson. Discounts available to anyone who’d like to sign up for more than one 2hr class/lesson. Please contact me at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com or thru the contact bar above if you’re interested in signing up! Looking forward to helping you on the other side of the lens!!

    You too can be a professional like me. Where is that sarcasm font when you need it?


  • personal,  photography

    sparkly snow

    In all of the snow’s I’ve ever seen (and unfortunately there have been a good number of those. I’m definitely a summer girl.) I don’t think I’ve ever seen such sparkly, glittery snow. It was soooo pretty. I ran outside (read: bundled up in about 15 layers and walked reeeeeeally carefully so as not to slip and break the camera) for a few minutes in the freezing cold (it’s 18 degrees here tonight, and it feels about 10 with wind chill. Ya know, as an added bonus.) to get some glittery snow shots. Edited these MUCH differently than I ever would any people pictures, but they were fun to play around with.

    Trying to keep to my mental resolution to shoot more for myself this year.

    Almost a little creepy.

    See, totally glittery & sparkly. Love the curve on this one.A little pink snow.Can you find the snowflake on the top? So cool!

  • personal,  photography

    the walking dead…in legos (season 3)

    These are my favorites from the project.

    T-Dog, Rick, Daryl, Glenn & Maggie clearing the prison.

    The Green Family. Axel on explaining why Carol must be a lesbian. Some of the prison crew.Michonne doing what Michonne does best.Some of the Woodbury crew. Including (my favorite) Penny the Governor’s zombie daughter. Merle (with his new knife hand), Michonne & the Gov in Woodbury.The Gov brushing his psycho zombie daughter Penny’s hair. Michonne & The Gov have at it in his office. Poor Penny. (ok, she wasn’t actually decapitated in the show but we couldn’t figure out a way to get the katana through her lego head).The Gov and his wall of zombie heads in fishtanks in his office. This one makes me laugh (in a somewhat insane way) every time I look at it.

    Back to regular non-zombie posting this weekend. On my way out this morning for a photoshoot of a family who is only together once a year. Looking forward to capturing some amazing, happy, family memories for them. Even in the cold. (I can feel the tan leaching out of my body by the second).

    Two other quick things- the boys have their interview at Regis High School this weekend so please send some good thoughts their way. A boy in our town who is a past client was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. Please keep Dougie and his family in your thoughts and prayers.