• occassions & parties,  prom,  school

    olivia’s pre-prom

    After shooting a wedding but before shooting Timmy’s pre-prom party, i flew over to Olivia’s house for literally 5 minutes to take a very few quick pictures of her pre-prom party. I was in and out so fast, I didn’t even remember what photos I even took! #photogproblems But Olivia & friends all looked stunning. These are some super smart girls who are going places!

  • graduation,  occassions & parties,  school

    audrey’s graduation party

    I had the pleasure of photographing this lovely young lady’s graduation party. I’ve known her mom for like, ever but glad I got the chance to meet her and her sister and the rest of the family (some of which I have also know for a loooooong time. This is what happens when you get old!) My other friend Christie’s (of make up by christie fame, recently featured here as well) husband and his band, Jerry & the Newcomers were playing the party so I got to see and hang out with them a bit too. This is what also happens when you live in the same town for like, ever also.

  • athletics,  occassions & parties,  volunteering

    the seaking run4life, year 2

    My friends Kenny & Mary Ellen are amazing people. The kind that give back and want zero recognition. This was the 2nd year of their Run4Life fundraiser where Kenny (and others) run 27 miles in 24 hours to commemorate the last 27 days of his late brother’s life and raise funds for charities and causes close to their hearts. I heard it was a very well funded fundraiser, but more on that in a future post. Enjoy some pictures from back in April (where it was a million degrees out and kids were in the pool!)

  • birthdays,  extended family,  occassions & parties

    virginia’s 85th birthday

    As usual, still posting from this past fall, it I definitely couldn’t forget about this birthday! Virginia is just a force. Strong, smart funny, beautiful and just an amazing presence in the world. And there is zero way she’s 85 because she is so young at heart. She was super surprised (which is good cause it was a surprise party!) and her granddaughter namesake flew in from college which was probably her favorite surprise! Happy (extremely) belated birthday to Virginia!