• personal

    crazy coinsidences

    Did you ever meet someone that you really should have been friends with for a long time BEFORE you actually met? When I met Jen about 7.5 years ago at Gymboree, that was what happened. We were living crazy parallel lives up until we met, and we are still finding all of these odd similarities of our lives. Some examples:

    Her half sister is Ivy’s mother’s best friend. (did you follow that one?) She and Ivy grew up playing together often. And Ivy is my oldest friend. We should have met then.

    She lived around the corner from Leslie Nusbl—, Ivy’s arch nemesis from camp. Jen didn’t like her either.

    GumYing (the best chinese restaurant of all time with owner Sidney), Inatome (the best Japanese Steak house ever with a big haaaaappyyy birthdaaaay) especially for special occasions, Intercamp games from sleepaway camp where our camps played eachother, same college as Ivy (don’t think either of them knew that when they were both there).

    Our oldest boys have the same EXACT birthday. We both 3 boys. The movie Fire with Fire- no one else knows that one. Our seriously obsessive (seriously) list making. The same baby book from when WE were babies that our mom’s made for us. Other little things too numerous to remember or write.

    Jen is an awesome friend and we always have a crazy fun time together. I love that she plans meals literally days in advance cause she loves food so much. She is the only person I ever met that will start talking about what she is eating for dinner while we are having lunch! And the only person who truly understands why when I do an errand that is not on my list, I go home and write it down, just so I can cross it off! (see, I told you the list was serious). When we met at gymboree and started a playgroup (more on the playgroup girls on another future post), I never would have thought we would still be such good friends 7.5 years later. And I am so glad that we are. Even our husbands get along-they are of the same mold. 251_5127sc Here’s one from a recent dinner we all went to at Inatome. Love that ginger dressing, and the ginger sauce!

  • personal

    fireworks & friends

    On Saturday, we (John, the 3 boys, my parents, and I)went to our town’s annual fireworks display, and met up with my oldest friend, her parents, boyfriend, and kids-which is quickly becoming one of our favorite traditions. Our family has gone to the fireworks for many years already, but meeting them there has been over the last 2 years. It certainly is helpful that my friends dad, Uncle J is in charge of the auxilluary police in town and we get good parking because that place is a mob scene! I have been friends with "I" since we were 8 years old- day camp, hebrew school, sleepaway camp, highschool, an apartment together after graduate school, weddings, kids, and now, we have done so much together and really grown up together. It’s good having someone know you like that. And "YOU DON’T HAVE LUPUS (or lymphoma)". Love you, I.

    When we brought Jack and Patrick to the fireworks for the first time (they were about a month shy of 3 years old) they both FREAKED out over the fireworks-at least the noise of them. They were so hysterical we had to leave right away. Patrick was so scared, he bit me on the shoulder while I was carrying him. I mean HARD. Broke the skin and everything. I will never let him forget it, either. They really like the fireworks now, and Timmy was not scared at all. He really liked them a lot, and kept naming all the colors. "I like it the fireworks". It was a Fireworks07_031sc fun night. No one got to bed until after 10:30pm. Fireworks07_011sc Fireworks07_021sc

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  • children & families

    The G family at the beach

    This shoot was so fun. Went down to the beach at the ‘magic hour’- started about 5:30 and finished up at around 7pm. The conditions were pretty perfect, and the family was so good looking, it was so hard not to keep snapping away. Little D was so good. He just started walking so he was very busy and quite challenging to capture. But I think we got some good ones, showing his cute personality. Mom and Dad were a pleasure to work with and they brought cute props-what else can you ask for? I have waaay too many favorites from this session to choose from, so here are 3 of the many favorites I have. The whole shoot is on an album on the left of the blog under the G family. Gilmore_037sc Gilmore_078rc Gilmore_189scpr

  • personal

    Happy 4th

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    everyone! Hope you all had a nice day yesterday. Unfortunately, these were the only two pictures I got yesterday. The big boys were not interested (although I did ask), but did wear red, white, and blue. And Timmy was not particularly cooperative, so this is it.

    It was a rainy, coolish day here, so no beach for us. Instead I took the big boys to the movies to see Ratatouille with Nelson too. He had to see it being a chef and all (I just think he wanted to see a Disney movie!). We all had fun. I was going to take Timmy along but I had heard the movie was kinda long and not really ‘actiony’ and I didn’t know if he could sit thru the whole thing. So instead of subjecting everyone to a busy 2 year old in a movie theater, he stayed home with Daddy. I think we were all happier for it.

    Today was the boys first swimming lesson at the country club, and it seemed to go well. They can swim (ie go in the pool without drowning) but they can’t really swim with strokes. They want to join the swim team next year, so they kinda have to learn to swim first-hence the lessons.

    Looking forward to a hopefully sunny weekend, and our town’s fireworks display on Saturday night. Timmy dosen’t seem afraid of fireworks at all (he loved them at Disney), so this will be his first year going with all of us. The first year we took the big boys- they were a month shy of 3 years old-Patrick was so freaked out, he bit me on the shoulder. They still think that’s hysterical.

  • personal

    some from a birthday party

    250_5036sc_2 A few shots from a really fun b’day party the boys were invited to a few weeks ago. It was a joint party for 2 boys from school-all sports on the beach. Unfortunately, we had to bail early as we had dinner plans that night with friends (with all the kids) but I got a few good ones before we had to leave. 250_5004sc    

    love the angle on this one. He is an awesome soccer player.

    Beach snowball, anyone?250_5034sc 

    One of the b’day boys. An incredible soccer player.

    250_5095rc The other b’day boy. Love this shot. Another amazing athlete.

    This cutie is one of the b’day boys sister. Love the blue lips that match the blue eyes peeking out from that superblonde hair.

    250_5098sc 251_5108sc251_5117rc 251_5122sc 250_5076rc this is what the pile outside the cabana looks like with ALL those boys stinky shoes. Cute but smelly!