• personal


    Some new pictures with the new camera. Timmy being a pirate, complete with earring! The big boys and I went to the bookstore on Saturday to pick up some new books for them (they are running low on reading material) and we found this super cute "pirate booty" pack which included all you see except the hat. He just loves being a pirate. Piratetimmy_006mids Piratetimmy_056pr

  • personal

    the verdict is in (for now)

    No surgery at the moment. But, it might be coming not too far off in the future. Foot_010 I have terrible tendonitis in my right foot. It is due to one of two things. Either 1. because my foot is getting deformed from the bunion and I am walking incorrectly or 2. because I have a "bony island" in the space between my heel bone and next foot bone (forgot the medical terms already) where no bones should be which could be effecting the tendons. Either option is not good, really. And my foot hurts. A lot.

    I am currently wearing a lovely and stylish aircast (I might have to break out the scrapbook supplies and decorate it) and am on prescription anti-inflamatories for the next three weeks. Whoopee. Oh, and no walking the boys to/from school. And no more cute shoes. I am all sneakers with good arches. Might as well make me wear orthopedic oxfords. Yuck.

    The doctor also said I should rest my foot and not carry Timmy. Uh-huh. Because the doctor is a doctor and a man, he does not live in the real world and therefore does not know that both of those things are really just not possible.

    And if the anti-inflamatories/aircast do not improve the pain, then I am going to have to get an MRI and probably physical therapy. Do they offer PT at 11pm? Cause that’s when I can fit it into my schedule. And then if the PT dosen’t help, it’s time for surgery. Which would entail a 2week recovery period of no driving, staying off the foot completely, and no lifting. So yeah, that’ll work out really well for me. So if you don’t mind, could you keep a good thought for my ugly aircast and non-buzz producing anti-inflamatories work (if I have to take them and wear this ugly thing, then at least a little buzz off the medicine would have been nice). Cause I just don’t have the time for the other crap. And I’m sick of my foot hurting.

    The only small upside:Maybe I can use Ivy’s "Can’t, Lupus (lymphoma, pregnant, tendonitis)" excuse for getting out of making dinner and other things I hate doing. No, I’m not pregnant. It’s a joke that started with Ivy whenever her now ex-husband would ask her to do something, she would reply "Can’t, Lupus" cause for a while there she was being diagnosed (incorrectly, thank goodness) with Lupus, then Lymphoma, and then she really was pregnant. So it is our running joke. Even John thinks its (sorta) funny. Well, until it isn’t anymore. So I’m saying "can’t, tendonitis" whenever applicable.

    And by the way, the aircast picture above is the first one I took with my brand new 30D Canon. I love, love, love it. It’s so pretty. And I am working hard on learning it quick. So many more gadgets and settings than the original Rebel. And I have two photoshoots tommorrow, so I am going to have to practice on the boys later today when they get home and Timmy wakes up. They keep asking to see it and I told them they will be seeing it plenty, just mostly pointed at them with me yelling "stay still!" Soon, they won’t want to see it anymore. Ever.

  • personal

    Wednesday’s stuff

    -the new camera is on it’s way!! Hurry, UPS man, hurry!

    -my new favorite word of Timmy’s is "alidrator" (yeah, that would be refridgerator- no idea how he ended up with that translation)

    -I managed to get all the pictures of the new baby shoot yesterday off my camera today. Yet another thanks to Beth, this time for the USB cable. I spent the greater part of today editing those pictures. They are now in an album to the left.  Hope you love them C and R. I will work on the announcement asap.

    -I was a bad mommy today and forgot to put the boys pre-paid ice cream day coupons in their lunchboxes. They weren’t terribly upset, but I promised a Carvel run tommorrow night to make up for it. I am having a hard time remembering everything they need for every day… reading logs, ice cream days, cello, recorder. I must update the calendar tonight.

    -Booked two new photoshoots for Sunday today- one beach, one Christmas mini session. Busy, busy!! I gotta get that new camera up and running as soon as it gets here.

    -decorated the outside of the house for Halloween today. Lots o pumpkins.

    -I am SO behind on the laundry. And the cleaning. And the checkbook balancing. And the everyday stuff like emptying the dishwasher and making the beds. And the mail. And answering emails. And returning phone calls. And the scrapbooking. Oy, the scrapbooking. I am so unmotivated, it’s scary. I am so busy with the whole photography thing that the scrapbook thing seems to have fallen by the wayside. I feel guilty. I feel a little ill every time I walk past the scrapbook room. I have had a page layed out on the desk for over a month. It’s still there. I think it will probably remain there. For a LONG time still.

    -there are definitely not enough hours in the day as indicated by the above point.

    -tommorrow is RED DAY at Timmy’s school. I had better catch up on the laundry now or else he will not be wearing any RED at all.

    -tommorrow I am going to the orthopedic podiatrist. Finally. I have a bunion (yes, a bunion. I know, I’m like 80 years old) and my whole foot is REALLY HURTING. All the time now. I’m not looking forward to hearing what this doctor is going to tell me. I can hear the words "surgery" and "soon" lingering in the office already.

    -you know that expression "he would lose his head if it wasn’t attached"? Yeah, well, that is my son, Jack. He hurts my head. Almost every single day he forgets something. Like a notebook he has a homework assignment in, or to hand something in at school, or that he has to get dressed in the morning before school(not even kidding on that one, it happened a few times). Scary.

    -it’s Wednesday and there is no LOST yet. I can’t wait for that to start. I need one night to fat out on the couch. It’s something to look forward to I guess.

    Laundry’s calling.

  • babies

    Pow! Baby!

    Well, here she is. Patrick’s teacher from 1st grade and her husband’s brand new little girl. She is just beautiful!! Only a week old and she dosen’t even have that newborn look about her at all. Pow_baby_023sccrop Pow_baby_029sc_2 I had such a great time photographing everyone today (thanks again, Beth, for the camera loan!). She was such a good baby, awake and asleep. With the whole camera debacale, I can’t get the other 220 pictures I took today off of the camera until the new one arrives, so these two will have to hold you over until then. Isn’t she so sweet and pink?? I can’t wait to show you the rest. And how much do we love the basket???

  • personal,  travel

    the East House

    Every year over Columbus Day weekend, we head out to John’s parents house on the east end. This year due to some colds, conflicting schedules with photoshoots, and the fact it is sometimes just way too hard to pack everyone up for two nights, we only did a day trip. But we did manage to cram in a zillion things in the one day. We went pumpkin picking, which included the hay ride, the bounce house, and the corn maze. We went out to a nice lunch. Timmy napped at the house with John while I took the boys to a few stores (didn’t buy anything), to the ‘east beach’, and for a drive around the area. Then we all loaded back in (along with the 24 pumpkins we bought), went out to Greenport to the carousel, the park on the water, and the duck store- where each boy got 2 little rubber duckies and Timmy got a pirate flag. We hit the Elbow Room for the BEST marinated steaks in the universe (sorry, Nel) for dinner and must’ve gotten there at the perfect time as there was no wait- that never, ever happens. We all really missed having Nelson with us this year (he always comes out for the weekend too) and it was very strange being there without him.

    The pumpkin patch.2007outeast_182sc 2007outeast_192mids 2007outeast_157mo 2007outeast_167sc

    The hay ride:2007outeast_134rc

    The corn maze: (Jack found the coolest, fuzziest, huge caterpillar)2007outeast_204sc 2007outeast_211sc

    The east beach (where it was warm enough out that people were swimming in the sound, sunbathing, and I urged the boys to go into the water too)2007outeast_021sc_2

    The carousel:2007outeast_043sc

    And the park:2007outeast_080sc

    That about covers it in pictures.