• personal


    We hit a big milestone here tonight on potty training- so everyone give a big "YEA TIMMY!!!". Yes, that’s right…poop on the potty. I know someday he will look back and ask in utter horror- "why did you post that on the blog??!!??" but it’s a big deal. You mommies know. I just hope he’ll do it again. He seemed pretty game about it, though so there is hope that it will continue.

    In other news…

    -nothing still on the camera. It should have arrived today. Planning on calling Canon in the morning.

    -still making lots of cards for Christmas for clients. Busy, busy!

    – tonight was the last night of Hannukah. And being the good Jew I am (haha) I made- as my husband called it -"the traditional last night of Hannukah pork chops". Ooops. But they did taste good.

    -here are some pictures of the boys boat projects that were due earlier this month. Never had a chance to post them. Img_4327cPatrick’s boat got 3rd place in his class. I don’t think Jack’s class raced yet. Img_4329sl_2 Img_4331sl_2 Img_4338c_2 Img_4342sl_2 Img_4343c_2 Img_4350c_2 Img_4353c_2

  • personal

    Can you curse on here???

    Cause that’s what I feel like doing! A lot! I’m so f#*&^$# pissed off. My new camera? The one I got in October? It’s dead! Dosen’t work. Won’t take a single freaking picture. Nope, not one. It’s not even three months old! It’s sole purpose in life is to TAKE PICTURES. I’m freaking out! Can you tell??

    It died today in the middle of the christening I was shooting. Thank god it died at the end after all the major pictures were done and we were just messing around with some extended family shots- which were all "redoable" at the reception. But come ON! I do not have time for this crap. I had to run over to the camera store between the church and reception to pick up my old camera which was recently repaired (that one was ALLOWED to stop working cause I wore out the shutter after 6 YEARS!) and had to use that one at the reception. I know I did fine work with that one over the years but I love the new one so much more and am so comfortable with the new one now. It has a lot more features than the old one. But now it seems as if I don’t have a choice- I’m going to have to make it work and work well for my remaining few shoots. The new one has to go back to Canon to be repaired. Wow, if only I could say what I really want to. I am calling Canon first thing tommorrow morning. They are so going to wish that this didn’t happen. Not feeling the Christmas spirit on this one.

    In other news:

    -Patrick lost TWO teeth tonight. The poor toothfairy is working hard overtime in this house.

    -Timmy called me on the phone today. It was my first phonecall from him. So cute. "Hi Mommy- when you commin home? Okay, Iloveyoubye".

    -I did three shoots today (two of which I completed before the camera died- am I harping yet?). One is posted below. The second one is a surprise gift for Christmas from someone’s very thoughtful husband, so I can’t post those pictureson the blog til after Christmas. He will get his album via Kodak EasyShare. The third was the Christening.

    -the Christening went great and I did get all the shots I wanted to. I just wish I wasn’t so pissed off. I will be posting a sneak preview later this week. Mrs. P said I could wait until after the new year to do the whole album. Thanks, C!

    -I am so excited to post all of the Christmas cards I made this year here on the blog, but obviously can’t do that until Christmas. I am looking to do that Christmas Eve-I figure by then everyone will have received their cards. I did X-out all the names, so it just reads "with love, the xxxxx family   xxx, xxxxxx, xxxxx, & xx. That way no one’s identity is out there in the world. But everyone can see the cards. It dosen’t look quite as good that way, but at least you can get the overall idea.

    -we will be going away from Christmas until right after New Years, so there will not be any new blog posts during that time! Sorry to my blog stalkers! But I hope you will come back to read and catch up with me after that. I’m afraid that if I don’t have constant new posts on here with new photoshoots for you to look at, no one will come visit the blog (okay, here is where you jump in and post a comment saying something like "no, beth, we love seeing pictures of YOUR kids all the time and hearing all the fun and exciting things you do everyday (cough, cough), Of course we will still stalk your blog everyday even when photoshoot season is over".) Hey, you never know– I might start giving away minishoots over the winter slow time to keep in the zone, but you gotta stalk if you want to win!

    -I have a new obsession. Amy Winehouse. I know she is one screwed up chick, but I LOVE her music. I have it playing on my computer every night while I edit. She might be a crack head, but the girl can SING. I love that 60’s Wall of Sound thing she has going on. I feel bad for her and just wish she could get her act together before she dies. Have you listened to her? You should. She was just nominated for 6 Grammy’s, too.

    Off to do more editing. Please think good thoughts that my new camera comes back soon, FIXED!

  • children & families

    Sunday’s shoots: the kel family

    We lucked out that it was not TOTALLY freezing this morning (don’t get me wrong, it was still cold…especially for little girls in short sleeves!) and we got to do some pictures outside for this family. Turns out that the older of the two younger red dressed girls goes to school with Timmy’s best buddy Miss O. The mom had seen O’s pictures in class one day and they figured out they were both using me for Christmas pictures! Cue "small world" again!

    Great kids, great shoot. Everyone was so cooperative and good. I think we got a nice one for the card and for the gift!Img_4809s Img_4842sl Img_4845slc Img_4871sl Img_4877sl Img_4902sl Img_4951sl

  • personal

    Santa, Santa HO! HO! HO!

    Img_4413sl We had a little visit with Santa this morning (yes, it was a very busy day!). And we all had a great time. Timmy was very nervous at first which I found surprising cause he kisses all the pictures of Santa in books we read and says "I love you, Santa" all the time. We discussed in advance that he could sit with Santa and tell him all about what he wants for Christmas (his reply was "presents!!"). But he was still very reluctant to go talk to him. I think once he saw his big brothers talking to Santa, and I went up with him, he was a little more comfortable with him. And then, Timmy started talking Lego’s with Santa, so they were best buds from then on. Img_4404sl Img_4415sl Img_4408sl Img_4410sl

    And then of course on the way out, I hear "I want to see Santa again!". The big boys loved seeing him too and have asked him for some stuff that was previously not on their list. Santa better get busy on that one!

  • children & families

    Saturday shoots: the reg girls

    Here they are, the models. No, really. They are. These girls are my boys very good friends from the beach since they were about 2 years old. They have been on the blog before, over the summer, but just snapshots from the beach. But here is the real deal photoshoot. I was so happy their mom, who is my good friend, asked me to do their Christmas pictures this year. They are models in real life so they are awesome to shoot- they follow every direction to a T. And could they be any more beautiful? I had a blast, I couldn’t stop taking pictures!They even got to meet Santa as a bonus. And then they came back to our house, played the Wii with the boys (they were all so glad about that) while their mom and I built the card. Can’t wait to show you that one!Img_4710sl Img_4735sl Img_4747sl Img_4752sl Img_4755sl Img_4757sl Img_4764sl Img_4771sl Img_4768sl