• babies

    little bundle of goodness (aka “the gup baby”)

    Oh my god! Not only does this little family have the BEST story ever, but the baby is just scrumptious! Had the best time shooting them this morning. I have about a thousand favorite pictures from this session, so just be forewarned…there are lots below.

    Ok, for the short version of the BEST story (being told with permission)…I met the mom in my scrapbook class where a few of the moms in the class were expecting. Everyone was discussing when they were due. When C said she was due in February, I said something like "wow, you could never even tell you are pregnant". That’s cause she wasn’t. Well, not directly. They had a lot of trouble holding on to a pregnancy after many tries, so they decided to find a surrogate. The baby is all theirs, the surrogate was their "oven" for 9 months and did a fabulous job cooking up this little muffin. Here comes one of my favorite parts…when the two families (the parents and the surrogate) were looking at eachother’s profiles and trying to see if it would be a match, do you know what the one standout feature was? They were both scrapbookers! And that kinda sealed the deal. So 9+ months later, the Gup family has a wonderful little baby girl thanks in no small part to their wonderful surrogate. They were even able to make it in time for the birth in a neighboring state and have been with their baby since the moment she was born. How fabulous is that??!! Best story, right?! I don’t think I have ever seen two happier parents. Ever. All the work and expense (both monetarily and emotionally) they put into this baby has paid off a zillion fold. They are just on cloud 9. It was so wonderful to see and I hope I did that love some justice!

    Caught a little baby grin.Img_0006sl Img_0036pr Img_0067cp Img_0083sl Img_0109slcp Img_0116sl

    This is right around the time daddy got peed on. Sorry, J. But on the up side, he is a doctor and has seen a LOT worse!Img_0136pr Img_0138sl Img_0140pr Img_0157mo Img_0172cbw

    The original baby. Sophie is the sweetest dog ever. So, so well behaved. And a love.Img_0180x 

    When awake, she LOATHED the chair. I mean this poor girl was screaming her little head off. She was pissed!! But sleeping, it was all good.Img_0197sl_filtered 

    The sign just about sums her story up.Img_0226sl_filtered Img_0270pr74_filtered Img_0271mids_filtered Img_0282cbw_filtered Img_0300sl_filtered 

    Ok, so she hated the squishy warm chair, but loved the cold, hard platter. Huh.Img_0317sl_filtered Img_0346sl_filtered 

  • children & families

    “the coo family”

    Had a really fun, spirited shoot on Sunday for the "coo" family. The mom works with my best friend and I went to high school with the dad. I know he was not too pleased with having to do the shoot, but really, none of the husbands are. The list of husbands that hate me is so long now that there is a waiting list to get on the list! Nah, really he didn’t hate me (just my camera) and was a good sport for the whole thing. But I think he left skid marks running down to the basement to play the Wii when he was done.

    The kids were great. So funny how the son looks like the mom and the daughter like the dad. The boy did everything I asked of him and I think he had some fun (especially the jumping parts). I hope so cause I’m shooting his communion next month! And the little girl- what a pip! She did great and I just worked around her. There was really no sitting with her-she had her own agenda and most of it contained food- so there are snacks in a few of the pictures! Loved the dress up shots too- so fun and girly.

    Here are a few of my favorites. Especially love the raspberry from the little girl with the spit literally flying! Img_0013slf Img_0026slfAnd the boy doing his own flying. Some good height there- hope he plays basketball! Img_0057slf Img_0083cbwf Img_0092slf Img_0132slf Img_0159slf Img_0162slf Img_0183slf Img_0195slf Img_0228slf Img_0234slf Img_0262slf Img_0281slf Img_0316xf Img_0360slf Img_0240slf

  • personal

    handsome men & nervous breakdowns

    Took the boys and the camera out today for a little practice. Playing with some new settings on the camera, as well as some new stuff in photoshop. And there wasn’t even any complaining! That never happens. I think they took some pity on me cause it hasn’t been pretty around here and they know I am a mommy on the edge of a breakdown! Img_0002sl Img_0011slTried some shots with some texture again. What do you think? It’s supposed to look kinda old fashioned. Not sure if it’s working though.Img_0012sl_2 Img_0013sl They do remind me of that show "Carnivale". I miss that show- I really loved it. And I’m still waiting for some closure since they left off right in the middle of the thing. Img_0018sl Img_0022sl Img_0023sl Img_0026motx Img_0029sl Img_0034sltx Img_0038sltx Img_0044sl Img_0046sl Img_0051sltx Img_0052sl Img_0059sl 
Img_0060sl Img_0061sl Img_0062sl Img_0068sl 

    The boys are getting so big. It’s really crazy how fast it’s happening. Soccer season starts soon along with baseball. We’re gonna be very busy. Jack has decided to drop the cello- he’s honestly not enjoying it at all. We discussed it and while I don’t want him to be a quitter, it’s just not the right match for him. So no more cello (which is really okay with me cause lugging that thing is just a big ol pain in the ass since I end up carrying it- along with Timmy- most days on the way home from school). Other than that, they are doing fantastic. Math State testing this week so lots of pressure, but they have been getting in the 90’s on their math tests, so they should be okay.I just have to make sure to get my butt out of bed early for the next few days.   

    The patient is behaving himself (for the most part) and I think he is really done with the whole recovery thing. God knows I am. I have discovered a newfound respect for all the single mommies out there. Doing everything is hard hard work. I’m exhausted. Now if he would just STOP ASKING if he’s being a good patient every 15 minutes… Maybe he needs a sticker chart. At least I no longer have to be nurse nancy as the bandages are off now. Follow up visit with the doctor on Wednesday– hopefully he will get clearance to go back to work. Please.

    A thank you to everyone who has called, come by, dropped off gifts, gift cards, food, etc. You guys all rock!. My friend Jen had perfect timing earlier this week and got me a gift certificate to my favorite sushi place (that was for giving her the crib and firehouse for her kids). Yum. If I could have sushi every night, I think I really would.