• children & families

    the syl family

    Getting back into the swing of things and heading head on into busy season.


    A great family to start off with. They are all gorgeous and so super nice. Mom is beautiful (and one of those people who is just so nice, you can’t believe it) and Dad handsome and a real trooper. The poor guy woke up with a fever, but he really put on his best smiles for the pictures. I felt terrible (especially after walking into the backyard and seeing him with his head on the table) as I know what a thrill all the husbands/fathers have taking pictures with me to begin with.

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    The older of the two boys really had enough of me after about the first 5 minutes, but he managed to squeak out a few more smiles and muddled thru my goofiness with lots of patience.


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    The middle boy was the ultimate ham- full of poses and smiles and sweetness. And such a looker.

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    And the baby- oh, the baby. Off the cuteness charts and I was lovin the baby CHUB. Yum.

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    Their cousins stopped over for a few shots as well. The big boys were born 3 days apart and the best of buddies. The middle boy and his cousin have a little love fest going- it is too sweet! You’ll be seeing these beauties again soon- as we have a shoot for them coming up in the next few weeks.

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    And their house was a little nice too. Can’t forget the other family member who let me take some pictures too.

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    Thank you Syl family. See you soon for your holiday session in a few months.

  • personal

    i say it’s my birthday…

    big whoop.

    It’s still September 11th. So I’m doing my best to be happy as possible. But I STILL can’t avoid watching all the 9/11 coverage and crying.

    So here I am happy and patriotic. Self portrait after today’s photoshoot.


    And by the way, how can I possibly be 39? Craziness.

    I’m planning on celebrating tommorrow (friday) instead. Going to see Brian & Pat play at JPauls tommorrow evening. Come on down and say hi if you are around!

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    Pretty, huh? I love September sunsets at the beach.

  • personal

    and he’s off (too)


    Timmy started school Monday. And thankfully, he loves it just as much as he did last year. There was some issue over the summer when we discussed that he would be having NEW teachers and a NEW classroom with NEW kids (you know the motto in this house. "Change is bad. We fear change.") but he did change his mind sometime before school started that it would be okay to have NEW things at school (thank god).

    He was a little nervous the first day, but not terribly. Once he found the camera in the classroom, he was all happy. That and the police helmet and he was good to go. There are only two other boys in his class so I’m not so thrilled with that, but what are you going to do? His teachers seem great and sweet (and I’ve heard nothing but great things about them both).

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    Just look at that big, independent, grown up boy! And yes, I got a little teary on the ride home from dropping him off.


  • children & families

    the mck family at the beach


    Met up with the McK family at the beach club we both belong to. We had the best time of the day down there- lots of golden light at sunset. Dad really wanted to see some muscle beach pictures, so we did what we could to appease him.

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    The kids were great as usual (I have done photos for this family a number of times now) and we had fun wandering the beach and climbing the rocks. Love some sunflare with some yummy backlighting.

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    Ended up on the lifeguard stand (why can’t they have white ones like this at Pt. Lookout beach instead of those screamingly yellow ones??) right before we lost the last bit of light. A fun way to end the summer.


  • bsquared business

    published, baby!!!!!

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    One of my pictures (with credit and everything) was published in today (Sunday’s) NewYork Daily News! It was one of my pictures from "the JM wedding" of the bride and groom. Very exciting!!! It was also in the Daily News online, here:


    And the funniest thing, I just happened by total chance to run into the bride and groom today at the beach. I was doing a photoshoot down there for my friend Sharon and her family when Magda spotted me and showed me the paper. They even posed for a picture with Olivia. Is that serendipidous or what?

    I am so thrilled that the bride and groom liked the picture enough to send it in, and that the newspaper ran it. Also, a big thank you to Meg (daughter of the groom) for hiring me to capture the special day, and for setting up the picture with the paper.

    I’m a bit excited.
