• personal


    Just a few (ok, really a little more than a few) of my handsome boys on Easter Sunday. I really lazed-out this holiday and we had dinner at the country club. It was delicious, easy, no prep, cooking, or cleanup. Now that’s my kinda holiday!

    This last one on the right is made while clicking his tongue. Should say something like “how YOU doin?”

  • children & families,  communions,  occassions & parties

    the coll communion

    And so it begins…Communion Season!

    I was so happy to get a call from this family asking me for a session for their daughter’s communion. We had a really fun shoot last summer at the beach (although a little challenging at times) and Mom was just one of those people I connected with quickly. Love that. And the kids were so great and easy, not to mention terribly photogenic.

    Their daughter reminds me SO much of my Jack. I’d love to introduce them at some point- they’d either reeeeally get along, or reeeeeally not. She’s apparently NOT a dress girl, so this whole communion get up was a really big deal. She wore it so well, and looked lovely.

    Thanks for a great shoot (again)! Hope to see you again soon!!

  • personal & corporate branding {headshots}

    the durs headshots

    Let me just start this post by saying that if I looked like this, I would have lifesized portraits of myself all over my house.

    M is as nice as she is gorgeous and is thinking about starting her own photography business. It was so nice taking her pictures and talking a little shop before, after and inbetween. These headshots are for her upcoming website and/or business cards.

    And get this, she has 3 children two of whom already graduated from Harvard and one currently at West Point. So, apparently her fabulousness trickled down to her kids too.

    Thanks for all the ‘real smiles’ M, I had a great time!

  • children & families

    the nevi family

    Sometimes it’s harder doing shoots for friends than it is for strangers. I worry if their kids will be annoyed with me next time they see me. I always worry I’m not doing a good enough job for them. But in the end, it usually turns out all okay and I worry for nothing.

    Well, it was all pretty much okay except for this one.

    He spent the majority of the time crying the second he wasn’t being held by his mommy. He really loved me since he was born- and now? Not so much. My boyfriend seems to have broken up with me.

    But everyone else behaved themselves. (Except for Daddy who thought it was a great idea to whack me in the butt not once, but twice with a plastic baseball bat. Hard.) I guess it’s still whatever it takes to get the shot, but you see what I mean about shoots for friends being harder (and/or more physically painful) right?

    Love the dynamic with the three boys, plus the fact that they are all so young and adorable.

    Timmys BFF. Still hoping every day that they will be in class together for Kindergarten next year.

    The monkey in the middle. Love all his expressions.

    My ex boyfriend.

    A gorgeous couple. Mom looks hot! And dosen’t have any drool or smooshed up food on her. Bonus!

    Thanks you guys. And glad you came over yesterday for a playdate and that everyone is still speaking to me. Love you guys!

  • children & families,  personal,  travel

    the dele family

    My good friends Nate & Colleen (who we recently visited in Washington DC) indulged me and let me take a few pictures of their beautiful little family while we were sightseeing at Bull Run.  

    The girls were so cute (obviously) but the oldest one was so shy. She did warm up to me quite a bit and I think they both really loved the big boys, but when the camera came out she wasn’t loving me quite as much. I did sneak in a few though.

    Love the red hair on the little one.

    Gorgeous family.

    And it’s just such karma that Nate has two little girls. So totally never saw that one coming.

    Thanks for putting up with me and my camera and for the pizza party, and for letting us steal Nate so much over the weekend!! Hope you like the pictures.