• baseball,  personal

    the beyrer family 33rd annual fishing trip

    The fishing trip that isn’t a fishing trip. At all. It’s actually a softball game and a BBQ down in Pt. Lookout (Mayberry on the beach, where I’d love to live). But it’s so much fun and it’s always great to see lots of family all together in the same place.

    Hold on cause there are a TON of photos.

    The whole ‘team’.  Front row: Timmy, Aidan, George Bailey, Sean, Brendan, Jack, Patrick. Middle row: Brendan, Kevin, Danny. Back row: Grandpa Jack, Bobby, Tim, John, Uncle Gerry, Uncle ThatGuy (Thomas), Billy, George, James, Joe, Gail.

    Timmy’s godfather and crazy Uncle That Guy. The boys were wearing their uniforms cause they had to leave early for a game. Thank goodness they are on the same team- cause when they  are playing against eachother, it’s sorta war.My sister in law Inez and my cousin in law Tricia. So sad that George, Tricia, George Bailey and Emma are moving to North Carolina in less than 2 weeks- totally going to miss them. But I know George and I will continue to IM on FB at 2am. And the funny thing is that they are moving about 10 minutes away from my high school friend down there. Everytime Timmy was up at bat (and I think he ended up batting for both teams) it was automatically a home run. Even if it wasn’t. You know, you get thirsty out there in the outfield.Aunt Cathy (who’s house it is in Pt. Lookout that I want to have) and Uncle Gerry who I spent a lot of time talking photography with. And yes, I’m his favorite.Uncle Gerry with his monopod and new camera (he looks pretty professional, right?!) and Billy (who you may recognize from the blog and also from the NewYork NY sports “ball buster” commercial. Yes, beer and cigarette at first base.

    Big boys on their way with John to their game. Brothers. More brothers. This picture is just SO twins. They have the same expression, same stance. And if the game wasn’t enough baseball to get your fill, there’s always more in the street after dinner. Aunt Nez loves the babies. The game ball. 

  • personal

    still here.

    Just popping in to say that even though I’m on vacation for August, I will still be posting here on the blog. Just need a day or two to catch up and unwind. Hope everyone had a great weekend. See you all tomorrow with a new (and real-with pictures and everything) blog post.

    Oh, and also wanted to add that there are only 2 spots remaining on the fall calendar, which you can find here: http://www.bsquaredphotography.net/?page_id=6157  Book them while they last!