• personal,  travel

    yeah, i got nothin

    My brain is an absolute void today and I cannot think of anything to blog about. Just trying to get my calendar straight for the spring. Watching a movie on my ipad while I edit (white oleander). All the christmas decorations are still up, taunting me with their christmasyness and knowing I have to take them down is driving me crazy. Banking, insurance, orders. Missing sleeping laaaate in Florida. Sorry it’s such a boring blog post today, but I guess it’s better than not posting at all. Right?

    A little Florida sunset. Wish I was still there.

  • babies

    the sauk family

    Photographing this gorgeous baby girl was a perfect way to end 2010. She was beautiful and pink and just delish! Couldn’t get her to smile to save my life but she was perfect just the same. She is the niece of a longtime bsquared family and I’m happy to welcome her to the bsquared family as well!

  • babies,  children & families,  couples,  personal

    a little update

    On my friend Robin and Joe and their baby Eoin. I’m certain that you’ll remember Eoin’s story- born very prematurely at 25 weeks. Well, just look at the boy now!

    He’s doing SO great, reaching all his milestones on time for his adjusted age. He’s even starting to talk a little. And he can stack blocks like nobody’s business! Of course he’s the apple of his parents eyes! But pretty soon, he’s going to have to share that spotlight….with identical twin girls!!! Yup, you read that right. Huge congrats to Robin & Joe (& Eoin too). So exciting and what a surprise! Can’t wait to start shopping for the girls and to take tons of adorable newborn twin pictures! Please keep their whole family in your prayers that the babies stay on the inside for as long as possible!!

  • babies,  children & families

    the dizd family

    Right before (and I do mean right before) Christmas, I got to take pictures of a newborn baby girl and her lovely family (who I have photographed in the past). Their son shocked me (and I do mean shocked) with how much he wanted to take pictures, especially pictures with his new baby sister. He’s usually pretty camera shy and very busy (not an easy combination for a photographer) but he was all into sitting with his sister and giving her kisses. Loooooove him!

    We did the same shot (on the left) in the same basket when her brother was a newborn.  Pretty smiles with new, peely skin. I love that combination! I think she idolizes her big brother already! Thanks for a great shoot of your beautiful family N & P!! Congratulations again on your baby girl. She’s delish!!

  • personal

    my boys

    Starting off the new year with some pictures of my boys (after taking yesterday off from blogging). Here’s our holiday card from 2010 and some pictures from the shoot we took them from.

    On our annual trip out east to John’s parents house in Peconic, we spent part of an afternoon at Duck Walk Vineyards, where after a few glasses of wine I was as surprised as anyone that the pictures came out non-blurry.

    A little football so they didn’t get totally annoyed with all the pictures (well, they got annoyed anyway but at least there was some fun inbetween shots). 

    The boys were so good this year for our shoot- after last year’s ummm….issues? during our shoot and the subsequent punishments doled out, they got it figured out finally! I got a new facebook profile picture out of the deal, plus a great family shot from one of my awesome bsquared brides (melissa) that we just happened to run into out there.