• beach,  children & families

    the mita family

    A new to bsquared family who found me thru mom’s cousin Val who’s family I photographed and went to high school with. Following along? They brought tons of personality and loads of fun to our session and I was so happy to photograph them all! Total picture overload below- there were so many great ones, it was hard to choose.

     See what I mean about bringing their personalities!?She’s the middle child, so I thought it would be nice for her to go first.Dad is the former “cabana bill” from Sun and Surf. He worked there for quite a while and we overlapped by about a year or so but I don’t think we ever met. It was nice to actually meet- they are the nicest family!!In the spirit of the Olympics…Couldn’t decide between black & white and color. So I’m posting them both.Love the wild beach hair, the colors at sunset and happy children! Thanks for a great session with lots of fun!
  • weddings

    kristen & raul- portraits in the park

    C’mon back to celebrating Kristen & Raul’s lovely (but hot- really, really hot) wedding day. After they were all ready, we met back up at Morgan Park in Glen Cove. (as a side note- about 2 weeks after the wedding, huge storms blew thru LI and Glen Cove was hit especially hard. They showed Morgan Park on the news and the gazebo was totally flattened. Like a pancake. And trees and lampposts were down all over the park. So even though it was like 945 degrees or so that day, at least we had sun and no trees falling on us!). We had limited time at the park to make sure we made it to the venue on time, and no one (especially not the poor bride who was dying of the heat) wanted to move spots too much. So we made the best of it and Kate & I worked super fast to get it all in before we all melted.

    Stay tuned for the ceremony and reception photos coming soon. And another side note…the a/c in the limo was apparently not working really well so the bride hopped into my car for a ride to the venue. We blasted the air and put on the cooled seats.  I am a full service photographer!

  • bsquared business

    i like you too giveaway- day one

    Hello fabulous bsquared friends & clients! To thank each of you for “liking” my Facebook page  and getting us to over 1,000 likes (!!!), I’ll be running a giveaway here on the blog over the next week or two. Lots of free stuff just to thank you for all of your support.

    So, without further ado, here’s the first giveaway:



    Here are the rules:

    1. to enter to win this prize, all you have to do is leave a comment here ON THIS BLOG POST. Just scroll down to where it says comments and then type something (something nice would be good, but you can type whatever you want). Don’t forget to include your email address (which will not be published on the blog, but so I can contact you if you win!)

    2. The free 8×12 mounted image can be any bsquared image of your choosing from your previous bsquared session or a future bsquared session. The image will be mounted on matte board.

    3. Each day’s giveaway is good until the next prize is listed on the blog, so you have at least 2 days to write your comment below.

    4. One comment/entry per person, please.

    5. The winner will be chosen using Random.org. I’ll assign each comment a number starting with #1, and whatever number comes up from Random will be the winner. I’ll announce the winner here on the blog and the winner will also receive an email.

    6. You can enter in every single giveaway. So if you enter to win the 8×12, you can still enter in any/all future “i like you too” giveaways.

    7. There will be one winner per each giveaway.

    Good luck and thanks again for all your “likes”!!



  • baseball,  personal

    rvc royals

    As the prep for Cooperstown Dreams Park continues (you should see my color coded spread sheet. Seriously!! I decided to take the “swag” orders on and have been compiling all kinds of info on my pretty spreadsheet!) the boys are all improving so much and having so much fun playing. This game was against Seaford on that really stormy day last week and they were lucky to get the whole game in before the first rumble of thunder as they were leaving the dugout. Happy to report they won!!

    Jack has been pitching a few games and is doing really well. Not the fastest pitcher but throws strikes and is pretty consistent. One kid on an opposing team we saw at the beach the day after a game where Jack pitched. He said to Jack “you were throwing lobs out there”. Jack’s reply? “Then why didn’t you hit any?”. Ha! Homerun!!Conferring w Jamie.Anthony.Jamie. Who actually smiled right at me. Thanks!!Jack.Timmy. Checking out his baseball cards in the dugout.And practicing his pitching.Jack C who hit a home run!!Glenn.MikeyD.James. Johnny. Zach.And Patrick. Who got a new bat for his upcoming birthday from his dad. And is really hitting the crap out of the ball. So I guess it was a good investment.
    Lots more baseball to come before Cooperstown at the end of August. As you can see from the first picture, they’re just barely tolerant of me and my camera so I have to pick and choose my games to photograph. Don’t want to wear out my welcome!!