


He got that face (please note he can do it on both sides) from his father. John used to make this face at his sister across the dinner table when his parents weren’t looking and it would make her VERY angry. So now the torch is passed and Jack can torture his aunt too.

I know I have a zillion things to post so stay tuned over the next few days. I have a client session with twin baby girls, a ton from Timmy’s birthday festival vegetable (yes, I know I promised this a few days ago but with all the blog glitches it kinda got pushed back), Jack’s Valentines party, and a bunch of all my boys. We are leaving for Florida (yippeee!) on Tuesday, so I’ll be posting until then and whatever I don’t get to before the vacation, I will post when we get back the following week (assuming I don’t die in a firey plane crash of course).