personal,  school

the other royal wedding

On the same day that William & Kate tied the knot, there was another very special wedding. This one was held at Timmy’s school and was for Q & U. Not only a celebration of the two letters that always seem to go together but of the Kindergarteners learning their whole alphabet this year. And the royal wedding playing on the screen in the background.

Timmy all dressed up in his wedding finery. Teachers and parents really went all out on creating a great wedding and reception.So serious.Jack was ready to run down the aisle to get it over with. Olivia and Ryan, also quite serious.The vows were as follows:

I, Mr. Q pledge to take you, Ms. U with me wherever I go. And have her stand beside me in all the words that I will make.

I, Ms. U pledge to follow Mr. Q in all the words that he plans to make. Even though I can make my own words…

All the boys were Q’s and all the girls were U’s. Could it have been any cuter?

Timmy with his two favorite girls.  Congratulations to Q&U- they make a lovely couple, dont you think?