
diane & henry- the ceremony

Because I just ran out of time to blog yesterday, I’m giving you an extra large blog post today.

After the first look, it was time for Diane & Henry to get married. The beautiful ceremony was held in the Historical Chapel in Woodbury which is the cutest church ever. Keith, the officiant, besides being the nicest man, gave Diane & Henry a wonderful, personal ceremony that everyone really enjoyed.

The wedding party making their grand entrance.The cutest little ring bearer!!Toddling down the aisle. Love the short pants, too!Everyone enjoying the toddling!The bride and her brother. So excited and smiley!The big hand off.Getting married!Possibly a scary part of the ceremony? A few from Kate. My angle.Getting ready for the flower petal ambush.

And they’re married!!

Off to edit the portraits and the reception. More photos as soon as I can. Hope you enjoyed today’s post.