
some handsomeness

Finally getting around to posting some pictures of the boys from two weeks ago. You’ll be seeing us getting LOTS of use out of the new blazers and shirts over the next few weeks…Mothers Day brunch at the club on Sunday and then grandma & grandpa’s wedding the following Sunday. Already getting our money’s worth.

It was a good thing I took these pictures when I did, cause very soon after, they were all COVERED in tomato sauce! I must make it to the dry cleaners before Sunday!Img_1927sl Img_1931sl Img_1935sl Img_1945cbw Img_1966sl Img_1969sl Img_1983cbw Img_1995sl

Above, Jack looking all presidential. Below, giving the hairy eyeball. Ahhh, just like daddy. Img_1996x_2 Img_1999sl Img_2003sl Img_2008sl