
Itchy or B*tchy?

Which one sounds better to you? None? Me neither. But today it was b*tchy. Let me explain…

I have terrible allergies. I am allergic to spring. Yes, the whole season and it really was bad today. The only thing that works and takes away all the symptoms (itchy eyes, itchy everywhere, sneezing, etc) is Benadryl. I’ve tried a thousand other things too but really Benadryl is the only one that even comes close. There is a major downside to this however. Benadryl turns me into 1. a zombie. 2. a total b*tch. So I had to take one today at around 11:15am after being outside most of the morning. By 1:50pm, I literally fell asleep at the computer with my hands on the keyboard and everything. Totally sleeping. Only for a few minutes until I woke up, set the timer on the oven for an hour, and crashed out HARD on the couch until 3:15. Then the b*tchy part began. I just feel all stoned and tired and crabby cause all I want to do is sleep. So I tried to keep the b*tchiness at a minimum, but it was still there, lurking under the layers of Benadryl. Other moms were passing me by on the sidewalk outside of school like I was walking backwards. Cannot move quickly when on Benadryl. Can’t function. But at least I wasn’t itchy.

In other news today, Timmy had two playdates today- morning with Jack and afternoon with Olivia. He was very happy. After Jack left, we spent more time outside and he blew us some bubbles. May I just say that he’s delicious and that I love my camera? You can even see the reflection of the house in one of the bubbles! Sorry for the overload of pix, they were just too cute not to post them all!Img_2039sl Img_2069sl Img_2074sl Img_2076sl Img_2079sl Img_2085sl Img_2078sl

Patrick has lost yet another tooth yesterday. Thank god ONE came in on the top at last. So now he has 3 missing on the top. Jack also only has one in on the top. I think they are going to be toothless forever. Seriously. It’s been SO LONG for these teeth to come in. They better come in pin straight after all this waiting! Pictures of the big boys are coming. I took a ton at the communion we were all invited to last weekend (where I also worked a little). I even somehow got a few of Patrick smiling with his mouth open!

Tonight, I went to a Teacher Appreciation dinner for Timmy’s school. It was a lot of fun! Went with Sharon (thanks for driving!) and we both won a raffle prize. Still trying to encourage her guilt her into going back to this school for Olivia next year. Even the kids teacher was trying to convince her. Poor girl- she had it hard from two Jews. There’s really no escaping that! She got a few gift certificates to restaurants in town with some wine, and I got a really cute accessories basket with earrings, bracelet, a belt and a super cute orange bag and a gift certificate. I usually don’t win ANYTHING (okay, I know I probably can’t say that anymore after the whole Cinderella Castle Suite thing- but really, it was my mother in law who technically won) so that helped make the night even better. Prizes are good.

Tommorrow night I’m heading into NYC to shoot The Turn at a show at Crash Mansion. Nelson is going to meet me so that should be a lot of fun. I get to watch him cook, he gets to watch me shoot. Fair deal, right? Now if he would just cook again HERE, that would be much better. I must remember to bring the earplugs this time (again, not because the music is bad–I love the band and I think they totally rock– but because I’m RIGHT in front of the speakers and they are deafening). I’m gonna have to skip the Benadryl though tommorrow cause I can just see falling asleep on the train and ending up in the WestSide Yard for the night. Not so much how I would like to spend my night. Gonna have to catch up with LOST on Friday night on the puter after the kids go to bed.

So that’s life here over the last few days. Still have two shoots to edit, then 6 between now and the end of this weekend. Busy, busy.