
This & That (sorry, no catchy titles today)

Been a busy few days around here. Just trying to get my act together before the big trip to Disney. So here’s a list (my favorite thing) of some tidbits.

-John officially has a herniated disc in his lower back. He has had a LOT of pain and finally went to the chiropractor, who sent him for an MRI, who referred him to a neurosurgeon, who conferred with a pain management doctor, who decided that he should get an epidural steriod injection. That happened today. So hopefully it will work on shrinking the huge disc a little and make John a little less miserable. Plus he got a prescription of about 100 percoset. So if nothing else, that should keep him happy at Disney. Img_6156sl Img_8716x

-I bought some new sneakers for myself (finally) today. I needed better shoes – real walking ones- especially for the Disney trip. Gonna try to keep the tendonitis in check anyway I can. While at the store, I picked up some new VERY BADLY NEEDED sneakers for the big boys. They loved them! That’s a big deal cause lately they haven’t liked anything I’ve picked out. I did buy the wrong size but we went back to the store after school and exchanged them for a size 3. (wow, that’s getting big!) If the boys are making odd faces in the pictures holding their old sneakers, it’s cause on top of being trashed, they stink! Can you believe that the "old ones" are only about 4 months old and they look that bad.  Img_8689s Img_8691s Img_8697s Img_8699x Img_8714sl Img_8715s

– Timmy had "blue day" today at school. Even had blue cookies for snack. Unfortunately, his teacher informed me that he had a hard day today- pushing and hitting. I was not pleased and he knew it. Well, he’s off school for a week now so I will have to remind him that hands are not for hurting when he goes back again.Img_8701s Img_8708sl 

-still haven’t packed a stitch for Disney. Doing that Saturday. We leave Sunday morning. Whatever.

-I have two more shoots to do before we leave. One tommorrow (a wedding) and one Saturday morning (a first birthday shoot). I will try to post at least a few favorites from those before I go. Gotta empty the flash card before I leave anyway.

-Lost started again today and that makes me SO HAPPY. Felt like I missed my "friends" from the show for far too long. And to top it off, American History X is on tonight too. (I have a HUGE crush on Edward Norton. HUGE.)Lost Ednor Ednor2