
And so it begins….


Do you see what is wrong with this picture? That maybe it says something not so Christmasy. And maybe not so appropriate? Yeah, that would be my husband. Every year since I got the SANTA (not Satan) letters to hold the stockings, I have found them in this order instead. So the house is decorated on Monday night and I come downstairs on Tuesday morning to find this. And all I can say is "and so it begins…"

It’s always an adventure.

Here’s our tree this year. The most pathetic part…do you see the adorable Pottery Barn picture frames hanging on there? Yeah, do you see they are empty? Do you know I’m a photographer? I think I should probably get on that, huh?Img_4372sc

Finally did some Christmas shopping today. Had a blast at Target and a few stores in town (must be cryptic cause some little eyes in this house sometimes read the blog). Not even close to done yet though. I even did my own presents today. It’s just so much easier that way. And you know the only real present I want is a trip to Disney in February. Tonight’s Hannukah present was a garbage truck toy and "guy" for Timmy and the big boys got Star Wars The Complete Saga Wii game. As if they didn’t spend enough time on that Wii already.

Parent/Teacher conferences tommorrow for the big boys. Four shoots coming up this weekend. And hoping to go see Santa on Saturday morning. Busy, busy. Still.