
Around here….

I am significantly sleep deprived. My hair is in dire, dire need of highlights- grey, black, and blonde isn’t so attractive. I can’t lose any weight although I really need to. The inside of the house still needs decorating for Christmas. I still have to make MY christmas cards. The laundry is piled up so high- dirty to wash and clean to fold and put away. I’m not spending enough time with my boys-there is a lot of guilt there. I hate that I can’t drop everything and just play with Timmy. Have to finish the boys boat project with them. Not taking enough pictures around here for me. I haven’t even started my Christmas shopping. Not. One. Gift. I’m in deep shit. And I still have a good number of shoots to go before Christmas. Potty training is not going as planned.

Overwhelmed. Freaked out. Guilty. Exhausted.

On the brighter side… I still have a number of shoots before Christmas. I just love doing it. I am getting such great compliments on my work- I love that. The big boys are doing SO WELL in school. I am a proud mommy. Their report cards were incredible. All E’s (excellents- the highest) and a few S’s scattered in (satisfactories). No NR (needs reinforcements). And all the teacher comments were so wonderful and positive. I am really looking forward to parent/teacher conferences this week. We are leaving for Florida in 22 days for a 9 day vacation. We have plans to go into NYC with the whole family later this month. The outside of the house is decorated. I have nice friends who hopefully understand that I won’t see them until January, and still like me anyway. Timmy is a great kid and he is such a love- I enjoy him so much. I have a great husband who I owe a big thanks. He has been so helpful in keeping things moving around here- laundry, the dishwasher, cleaning up, staying with the boys so I can go do my picture thing. Even though he has work of his own that needs getting done. That I have an incredible mom and dad who babysit as needed and who are so supportive. That my mother in law tears up when she is telling my friends how proud she is of me. That my father in law will come by and sit with Timmy so I can pick up the big boys from school without waking him from his nap. Still not believing I have a real BUSINESS-taking pictures-one of my most favorite things!!

Happy. Proud. Inspired. Exhausted. Img_2704sl Img_2719sl Img_2721sl

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Thanks for reading. I know you are out there, you blog stalkers. You tell me when I see you. So leave me a message here on the blog if you feel like it. How are YOU doing?