
Big, giant holes {aka…on the tooth fairy’s payroll}

Thursday, Jack lost another tooth. It was the other top front one– so now he can really say all he will want for Christmas is his two front teeth! Then today, Patrick lost his 3rd bottom tooth during gym. He brought it home in a little envelope and forgot to put it under his pillow. So I guess the tooth fairy will have to wait until Saturday night to pay another visit. I’m sure she needs a day to restock her funds anyway as these kids are bleeding her dry. Img_9779x Img_9781mgn

It’s been a very busy photo filled week and now I will be doing 6 more shoots this weekend. Keep visiting for more pictures as there will be ALOT to show soon. I will be bundling myself up for this weekends shoots (hat, gloves, uggs over the aircast-which I cannot get off without help!) so while I won’t be pretty, at least I wont have to be in front of the lens. Just behind it, freezing!