
Windy pajama day

Both my scheduled shoots today are cancelled due to the crappy weather. It’s not raining (yet) but it looks like that is immenent and the wind is whipping. Don’t want pictures with "wind face" and they are warning that there is the chance of trees coming down due to the 50+mph gusts. Not a chance I’d like to take at Tanglewood- too many trees.

One is rescheduled for tommorrow, the other I am waiting to hear. While there are so many advantages to natural light photography, this is the definite downside. So we are all still in our pajamas (well, except John) and I am planning on staying that way for the rest of the day. The big boys have a soccer game shortly so they are in the midst of getting dressed– and they are not happy about that. So to make them madder, John has decided to speak only in his spanish accent today. It’s hysterical. I guess all those years working at the "el" have left a lasting effect.

And what’s a post without a picture? Here’s John from the summer, in his usual exhuberantly happy state. Jackpatrick_bday_party_108sc