
It’s official, he’s two

and FULL of tantrums, screams of frustration, and yells of NOOOOOOOO that feel like a dull blade to the brain. All of a sudden, the sweet, good little boy that I looked forward to hanging out with all day has been replaced by some kind of screaming pod person. And everything has become MINE as in "no Jack its MINE", when it really is Jack’s. Or Patrick’s. Or anyone elses. It dosen’t matter. Its all Timmy’s. All of it. The other fun new thing is when he says "you stop it RIGHT NOW, Mommy" (or Jack, or Patrick, or anyone else). Little dictator. Ugh. I am trying to keep repeating…this too shall pass, this too shall pass. It freaking better. And soon.

My friend Maureen has a theory that it’s not the year mark that is the challenge, but rather the half-year mark. Timmy seems to be proving her theory correct. The worst part is that it is nearly impossible to stay mad at him. Just look at this face. Timmy_tanglewood_014sc

Or this one:Timmy_tanglewood_063sc

And then when he says "I love you, too Mommy" before I even say I love you, every whine and scream is quickly erased from memory. Well, until the next one that is.