
Nelson on TV!

Nelson (that would be my other husband for those who don’t know. He has been our best friend since forever ago) was on Fox News today as the Executive Chef for Uncle Jack’s Steak House doing a 4th of July BBQ demo! And damn, that food looked good. And I am wondering why he is not over at MY house cooking instead of on TV cooking for strangers. He has not cooked here in quite a while (hint, hint Nel) and I am feeling very, very hungry. I tried to take a couple of pictures of him while he was on TV, so they didn’t come out great, but you can at least get the idea. Nelson will be opening up the 3rd Uncle Jack’s steakhouse in Lincoln Center, NYC sometime in September (hopefully). He makes an awesome steak! Yum!Nelontv_003 Nelontv_005 Nelontv_021_2