personal,  travel

photo a day- day 23

It’s like groundhog day around here- which in this case is NOT a bad thing at all. 84 degrees, sunny, pool, Roman’s for lunch beachside and the only different activity today was taking Timmy to the Heat game. Unfortunately, I have no pictures from the Heat game other than iphone ones since I can’t bring my real camera (they won’t let it in since the lens is too long) and no way I was leaving the big guns in the car anywhere near Overtown. That was my first NBA game and I liked it as much as possible for me. Better than baseball as there is a certain amount of time the game can be played in and its pretty actiony the whole time. Sadly for Timmy his favorite guy (Lebron) was out of today’s game because of his broken nose but he did show up and we saw him walking around by the court and the bench. He even sorta danced to Timmy’s favorite song- Happy.

Love that you can see a 9 in the picture, just the perfect age!