personal & corporate branding {headshots}

“honoree” kathy {aka my friend with the megawatt smile}

This is my friend Kathy. Concert buddy, math tutor, PTA president, Deputy Mayor, friend to many, community activist, sister, mom to two, wife to one, breast cancer survivor- now times TWO! But always, always smiling. She has that kind of smile that lights up a room (literally) and a laugh to match. She’s always a joy to be around and really is a ray of light. Unfortunately, this is her second go round with breast cancer (like cmon, once wasn’t bad enough?!) so right before her surgery I basically bullied her into doing a photoshoot with me. If you know me, you know I bully the shit out of the people I love because I know they’ll be happy eventually that they did the thing I think they should do. And they are! So we took some pictures just at her house before she went under the knife again. I’m happy to report she’s doing really well, is up and around and back to her totally insane schedule (mostly). And because she’s such a bright light that others can always count on, she’s being honored at the RVC Breast Cancer Coalition Gala on March 11th. I’ll be there to photograph the gala, so be sure to check back for those after the event. I’m so proud of my friend! There are still tickets available so I hope to see you there!
