graduation,  school

manhasset banner day

I got a last minute call to shoot Manhasset High School’s banner day, as their usual photographer was unavailable. Being that like 1/2 of the graduating class are my existing clients (ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but there’s a LOT of them!) I was so happy to participate a bit in another special day for them. Banner day is for all Varsity athlete graduating seniors- everyone gets a banner (great work by the photographer who took those pictures and put together these beautiful banners!) and their name announced on the track. And there was a very special presentation for one young man who missed the actual Manhasset HS graduation because he was off to the Air Force Academy, so they surprised him with a little psuedo graduation. That was so awesome! Stay tuned for many more Manhasset doings here, coming soon!
