personal & corporate branding {headshots}

welt & rheaume law offices

Friends since Pearson Hall at the University of Miami, I was so happy to re-connect with Jeff in a big way recently. After I took a selfie of us on my last Florida visit that he liked, he asked me if I would do pictures of his law firm. In Florida. Ummmm….YES! He’s so awesome and fun and he even invited me to a Billy Idol concert during my trip (where I got to meet Billy Idol- that’s a whole story for another day!) His social media manager/website manager also let him know they wanted pictures of his interests & hobbies to show their clients more of the “human” side. I always believe YOU are your brand so this was solid advice! We hit the concert (no “real” camera in there, so iphone pix only from that), the tattoo parlor and his bike. How much fun was seeing all sides of his life- work & play!? And now we have plans in NY to see The Cure next month. It really is all about the U!