• personal,  school

    project linus

    I ran over to the boys school this week to take some pictures of Patrick’s class project. Mrs. Jay (their teacher) has been involved with Project Linus for a few years now (yes, like Linus from Peanuts with the blankie) as Mrs. Jay’s favorite hobby is sewing and quilting- she has passed that on to her classes with a community service twist.


    They make handmade quilts for children with serious illnesses so they have something warm and cozy (and just for them) for their hospital beds. The quilts are made by the kids in the class along with Mrs. Jay (and a few high school volunteers too) from beginning to end, with each child being able to choose fabric and use the sewing machine. The kids are super proud of their work and have finished 7 quilts so far this year (4 of which were delivered to children at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in NYC). The receipients send back a picture of themselves with their new quilt so the class can see how much the kids love and appreciate their quilts.



    It’s a great project and the children in the class are really so happy and excited to be a part of it. Gotta love this teacher!

  • children & families

    the baro family


    The baro’s were given a bsquared gift certificate from one of my very favorite bsquared clients, so I knew I would like them before we even met. And I was not wrong! They are such nice people and were a pleasure to be around. Not to mention how fabulous their building in midtown Manhattan was- with a light filled apartment, beautiful lobby and fantastic playroom (and a pool too!). Although their little boy was having an off day (ear infections stink!!), I think we still got some great shots. Everyone had a great time playing in the cheery little house in the playroom. And lollipop and puff snacks go a long way in the bribe department!!

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    Hope you enjoy your pictures, baro family. It was such a pleasure meeting you all!

  • personal,  school

    S.O.S. (save our schools)


    All kinds of (bad) hubbub going on around Rockville Centre. There’s a HUGE deficit in the budget due to state cuts among other things and the Administration’s proposed 2009-10 budget is a complete disaster. They are discussing either closing one of the elementary schools and redistricting the remaining 4, or making gigantic cuts in the district’s programs (which includes increasing the already too high class caps).

    Really, both of the options presented are completely and utterly unacceptable. So much so, that I actually got up and spoke at the last BOE meeting in front of 500 or so people (and I loathe doing that but was so pissed off that I just did it. And I’m glad I did. Shaky voice and all.) The major point remains…where are the ADMINISTRATIVE cuts? Why are all the cuts they are proposing directly (negatively) effecting our childrens education? Nevermind the fact that the whole town is against closing one of the schools. Like I said, a giant mess. And another school tax increase looming.

    So if you live in Rockville Centre, whether or not you have kids in the RVC schools (and remember, if the schools suck, your property value will suck too) please, please come to the next BOE meeting tommorrow, Tuesday 2/10 at 7pm at the high school auditorium and show your support. We need to let the BOE know (and keep letting them know thru emails and letters) that the proposed ideas for the budget are NOT OK. We need to see some administrative cuts, not cuts in schools or school programs that will hurt our children and our whole community.

    Off my soapbox now…

    More normal posts starting up tommorrow. Trying to work out the whole gallery posting thing so that I can have albums of client’s images on this blog like on the old blog (only better).  There are a few kinks in the system that Matt and I are trying to work thru. I promise the new blog will be really really nice, really really soon!

    Come back tommorrow for some Timmy birthday pictures.

  • bsquared business

    welcome to the new blog!


    I think you are all going to like it here! The pictures and albums/galleries are all still in the process of being moved over from the old blog, so please be patient. Eventually, everything that was on the old blog will be here for your viewing enjoyment! Plus I think the new gallery viewing of your session will be much better here.

    Please be sure to bookmark or add the new blog to your favorties. Just in case you forgot where you were, you are here: www.bsquaredphotography.net. You can also get here by www.bethbeyrerphotography.com . Pretty fancy, huh? Two blog addresses!! Just keep coming back, ok?! The blog-stalking is good here- maybe even better!

    Please leave me a little comment love and let me know what you think of the new blog so far.


  • personal & corporate branding {headshots},  school

    dancing with the teachers

    I mentioned a little while ago that I had volunteered to do the headshots for the RVC Education Foundation’s fundraiser: Dancing with the Teachers. I just finished up the headshots for the dancing teachers (they are each paired with a professional dance instructor and they each do a different dance- just like Dancing with the Stars). It should be a fun night by the looks of things!

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