• birthdays,  personal

    timmy’s 8th birthday vegetable

    For those of you who don’t know- there’s pretty much always a weeklong birthday festival in this house for the kids birthdays. And when Timmy was really little it sounded like “vegetable” instead of “festival”. So it stuck.

    Timmy’s party this year was a small one- just him and 6 friends (along with us, his big brothers and the dads of most of the kids attending) to the Islanders game. Took most of the shots with the little camera- just didn’t want to lug the big guns.

    Someone’s a little excited, no?The gang of lunatics.Its also a tradition to have a candle in every meal of your birthday. Including the ice cream he had for breakfast. Yup, breakfast.

    Just can’t believe my little guy is now 8. Sigh.

  • beach,  birthdays,  personal

    ali’s beach birthday

    Yeah, so this was like July. I’m aware how lame it is that I am this far behind in editing and posting personal pictures. Ali, an excellent bsquared assistant and babysitter celebrated her 21st birthday this past summer at the Ocean Club with lots of familiar faces. For my photografriends out there, all pictures taken with the Fuji x100. Gotta use that camera more often.

    I just did their newborn baby boy’s shoot this past weekend…They now own my puppy…You’ll recognize them from their newborn and holiday shoots…Grandparents…Celebrating the birthday girl. Moonrise/sunset.
    Stay tuned for lots ore summer pictures. And fall. And maybe even Spring. Well, at least the pictures remind us that it won’t always be below 20 degrees in New York.

  • birthdays,  bsquared business,  christenings

    2012 in numbers & a winner chosen

    My annual end of the year wrap up for 2012. In the numbers. But first, two pictures of what I’ll be working on first when I get home from vacation.

    Little Mr. Max’s 1st birthday portraits (big thanks to Shira at ShiraZ photography for the studio for the morning). I photographed Max’s newborn session earlier in the year after an unexpected delay to his real newborn session. And now he’s one. Crazy how fast this year went.

    And as my very last session of the year (well, not counting the shoot I did for my own boys on the beach in Florida for our belated New Years cards that will be sent out…soon) was beautiful baby Ava’s Christening. You can see her newborn shoot here.

    Ok, onto the year in numbers…

    I photographed 133 sessions in 2012, including 10 newborns, 5 weddings, and one 50th wedding anniversary. No wonder I’m so tired!

    Thank you all for your business, your friendship, your trust in me to capture the most important people to you. For the emails, the gifts, the support, the babysitting, reading the blog, commenting on facebook posts, and all the love you are always sending my way! Wouldn’t be here without all of you and I promise you I won’t ever forget that!!

    I blogged 261 times. Thats a lot of words. Maybe I should shut up?

    And sadly, I took hardly any personal photos in 2012 that weren’t from my iPhone. I’m going to try really hard to take more personal pictures in 2013 on the real camera (but the big boys are so not going to appreciate this goal- they are DONE with pictures unless there are BIG bribes involved or it’s of them playing baseball). But maybe with the new puppy and Timmy I’ll still have a few willing subjects. It’s kinda pathetic that the reason I don’t take more personal pictures is because I know I’ll just have to edit them and I’m always just editing clients. Gotta try harder to take my own pictures.

    And finally, the winner for the free bsquared mini session(for reaching 1,000 fans on the bsquared facebook page- which is now up to 1100) is: DONNA FARRELL – OCTOBER 12, 2012 – 1:01 PM

    I have never had a session but have had a photography lesson with you! You are so talented and so much fun! Would love to have a great picture of my family. I don’t have one nice shot of my husband and I with our beautiful son….who is 8!

    Congrats to you Donna! Can’t wait to photograph your family. I’ll email you with details.

    Don’t forget to nominate a friend or family member for a free bsquared mini “Sandy Session”. You can find the details here: Sandy Sessions. I’ll choose 2 winners from the nomiations for a session in Jan-Mar 2013.

    Happy New Year!!! xoxo



  • birthdays,  bsquared business,  weddings

    the funniest thing, possibly ever.

    My great photografriend Kate and I shot a wedding last year where we didn’t get served dinner. Or any food for that matter. Yeah, that’s a 10 hour day with nothing to eat while working non stop for 8 of those 10 hours. Shaking hands on the dance floor, dizziness, basically not a good scene. We had to literally beg the maitre’d for some food- anything at all. We got 2 rolls. Stale rolls that we could’ve killed someone with on impact. (It’s now in the bsquared contract that we have to be fed during a wedding or else we have to leave for up to 1.5hrs to get food elsewhere. Not making that mistake again.) So after we recovered after that wedding, the roll for dinner has become an ongoing joke. I try to sneak it in at every wedding we shoot together somewhere.

    At Kristen & Raul’s wedding this summer it all came full circle. They fed us really well and Kristen is the coolest. While Kate was over getting her plate meticulously prepared, Kristen told one of the servers to go up to her and take her plate, telling her she was the help and therefore not authorized to eat the food that was for the guests. And handed her a plate with a roll. Best. reaction. EVER.

    I cannot look at these pictures without laughing. And I’m celebrating my “new fake birthday” today (for those of you who don’t know my birthday is actually 9/11 but after 10 years it’s still not getting any better, so I decided to move it to a new day) so the laughs are extra special! Kate & I are shooting a wedding tomorrow for another fabulous bride and groom. Can’t wait to figure out where the roll is going to make it’s appearance- it’s like where’s waldo but with a roll.