• occassions & parties

    the sullivan blood drive

    As my blog stalkers followers have read, there was a blood drive last week honoring Rob Sullivan, a great husband, father, friend and all around great guy from town. He was recently diagnosed with colorectal cancer and some of his friends put together the blood drive with buffet afterwards in his honor. They had something like 283 people show up to donate blood, 20 of which ended up being turned away because they just had too much! How awesome is that?! This is one of those times that I think our town is just a wonderful place to live- where friends and neighbors come together to help eachother when it’s needed. It’s a great thing to see and it really warms my heart.

    Since I can’t give blood, I did what I do…take pictures. Here are a few from the buffet after the drive, where all donors were invited to come have a beer and some dinner on the sponsors of the event.

    The man of the hour. Doesn’t he look great? And he and his wife are just SO cute together.

    Everyone had lots of fun.

    And an extra shout out to Nelson and my sister in law Inez who donated blood for Rob too!

    If you’d like to see all of the pictures from the evening, you can find them all here.

  • personal,  travel

    our nation’s capital

    Although in our house, ‘our nation’s capital’ usually refers to Disney World, this time we went to Washington DC. Not quite the same as our version of the capital, but still fun.

    It was a quick trip (just the weekend) so we only got in a little sightseeing this time. Tried to make it to new places that we didn’t see on our trip 3 years ago, but still have quite a long list for next time.

    We took the Metro into the city from where we were staying in Old Town Alexandria (love it there). And once again Grandpa Ken fought with the ticketing machines. Last time we visited he ended up with like $40 in Metro tickets by accident cause he couldn’t figure out how to get change. At least the tickets were still good and we were able to use up that $40 of tickets this time that had been sitting in his wallet since then. You can’t see from the picture so much, but that Metro lady’s eyes were rolling! And that other building is the Masonic Temple on King St.

    The White House. Tried to arrange a tour with one of Grandpa’s insider friends but with the whole health care thing going on, he didn’t have time to get us in.

    The Washington Monument (saw it last time too, but not with all those people and kites. That was kinda pretty.)

    Went to the Spy Museum with Nate (thanks Nate!!) which was great, interesting, hands on, and so fun. But they don’t allow photography (cmon, really??) so I got nothing to show you from there. Ford’s Theatre and the house where Lincoln died where the big boys surprised me with SO much information about the assination of Lincoln. So impressed.

    A few shots around the streets.

    Some beautiful cherry blossoms. So glad we were finally there in time for that. I really wanted to get down to the reflecting pool and take a shot of the trees lining either side but everyone was crabby and not feeling like walking, so I got what I could. Which was still pretty.

  • birthdays,  occassions & parties

    the long surprise party

    A client of mine celebrated her dad’s birthday recently with a big surprise party, and was nice enough to call me to capture it. The party was at Meribah which is the retreat house for Chaminade and was a lovely location.

    I think the surprise was really a surprise, which actually surprised everyone that they were able to pull it off.

    They are a really fun family and while I got some ‘nice, posed’ shots, this one with them laughing is still my favorite.

    And it looked like everyone had a great time, which is what parties are all about! Thanks so much for having me along to capture the evening- hope you like the pictures!

  • personal,  travel

    bull run/manassas

    Part of our trip to DC last weekend was spent over at the historical battlefield of Manassas. Which was great for the big boys since they are studying the Civil War in school, great for Timmy to run around, and great for me to take pictures!

    We went with our friends Nate & Colleen and their little girls. (I did a quickie little shoot for them at the field too, that’ll be posted later this week or so). Nate’s great, great, great Grandfather fought at Manassas and actually won the Medal of Honor there. His uniform is the grey one on the right. Pretty cool, huh?

    John really enjoys Nate’s company. He always has a good story to tell. Several, actually.
    This shot of my mom reminds me of Ireland for some reason. Not that I’ve ever actually been to Ireland… Hiding with his rifles, waiting to ambush the enemy.  That’s a whole lot of land.  Boom.

    A few pictures from the morning we spent there. It was cold and misting, but great pictures none the less.

  • bsquared business

    and it’s on!

    And the winners are…… Jen Botta & Lisa Cheek. Congrats to both of you!! Please email me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net to claim your $50 bsquared gift cards.

    (how I got the winners: I used Random.org to generate two numbers out of 261 which is the # of fans as of 12:16am when I did the drawing. I assigned a number to each ‘fan’ based on the order in which people signed up.)

    Another contest/give away  to come soon! Thank you to all of you who signed up as fans!!!

    The first ever bsquared photography/facebook fan page givewaway. Here’s the deal: All you have to do is become a fan of bsquared photography on Facebook (you can either go here or click on the tab on the left side of the blog to get there), and you are automatically entered. I will be randomly choosing 2 ‘fans’ at the very end of the day today who will each win a $50 gift card to be used toward a bsquared shoot. The gift card is fully transferrable (so if you win but want to give the gc to someone else to use, you totally can) and is valid thru December of 2010.

    Good luck! Can’t wait to see who wins!! I will announce the winners late tonight (like real late- around 1am or later) on here and on Facebook.

    And I’ll do another contest when my ‘fans’ reach 350. So tell your friends to sign up too!

    Just a random picture from DC this past weekend, cause a post is just blah without one.