• bsquared business,  personal

    7 for sunday (again, on Monday)

    A day late and a dollar short…

    1. Spent this past weekend in Washington DC with John and the boys, my parents, and my really good friend from U of Miami- Nate and his wife Colleen and their gorgeous little girls. Lots of pictures coming soon on all of that.

    2. A recent self portrait. Wow, grey hairs much? Thought those were covered a little more with the blonde highlights… Apparently not.

    3. An update that I’m really happy to share with all of you who follow the blog. That friend of mine who was critically ill (the friend with the virus that attacked her heart) is doing SO much better. She is out of the ICU, off all the pumps and machines, was able to visit with her children a few times, and the doctors think she might make it home in time for Easter! Keep those prayers coming though, she can always use more!! (Guess they really worked so far, so thank you to everyone who took a minute out to pray for her and her family!)

    4. Since I can’t donate blood for my other friend on this coming Tuesday’s drive I thought I would stop by the buffet afterwards and take some pictures for them. So if you are donating blood and heading over to Monaghans, look for me with my camera. I should probably be there from 7-9 or thereabouts. Please consider giving blood and giving the gift of life.  Here’s the details again:

    4. In the mindset for giving? I have another foundation that I’d love for you to read about. It’s called My Best Friend and it benefits people with Fanconi’s Anemia. You can read a bit about it here. I have donated a mini session to their big yearly fundraiser,  FiestA for FA. One of their grand prizes is a gift certificate for a puppy, including a consulation with an AKC representative to help pick out the best breed to fit your family. The mini session I donated will be included with that prize and I’ll go do a shoot for the family and their new puppy. How much fun will that shoot be?

    5. My cute shoes. The day I wore them, it was freeeeeezing but they were too cute to take off. I suffered through.

    6. Going to be running a little bsquared photography giveaway this week. But in order to be qualified, you have to be a bsquared photography fan on Facebook. So… if you go to the bsquared photography fan page and sign up, you are automatically registered for the give away. You can also get to the facebook fan page with the tab on the left side of the blog- a nice new little added feature! Will announce the details of the giveaway later this week. Tell all your friends to become a fan too!

    7. Running headlong into Communion season and Spring shoots starting this weekend. There will be tons of new posts on the blog coming soon. The lull is almost over!

  • children & families

    the cost mini

    Ok, so it was supposed to be a mini session, and while it was time wise (30 minutes of shooting) it certainly wasn’t volume wise! Got a ton of great shots of these two cuties (if you are a blog stalker, you will remember them from a holiday shoot).



    Loved the outfits, the springy colors and the park.





    Glamour girl and GQ boy.



    Thanks to you for a great session, mini or otherwise!

  • product

    for the littlest fashionistas

    My friends Denise and Tricia own bcauseisaidso.com, a great kids clothing company. Here are a few shirts from their newest collections, seen first here on the blog.






    If the sayings on the shirts don’t make you giggle… well, you should be. So get on that and visit their website.

  • personal

    it’s only supposed to be in 3’s.

    You know how they say that bad things come in 3’s? Like illnesses? Well, unfortunately, that’s not the way it has been going- it’s been a lot more.  It feels like all I keep hearing from friends in passing is how sick someone is. I’m not a religious person by any means (as those of you who know me can attest) so even though it feels strange asking for your prayers, I’m going to anyway. And your help too.

    My brother in law (aka Uncle That Guy) is having surgery today. So if you could pray for a good outcome for him (and all of his family) that would be wonderful.

    There’s a mom in town with two small children who I’ve done pictures for in the past and someone that I consider a friend that is very ill. Thankfully, the latest update is that she’s doing much better and that her heart is recovering well. (She had a virus that attacked her heart, which resulted in damage to her heart to the point where she was critically ill.) She could still use your prayers and good thoughts as she has a long road ahead of her. Her name is the same as mine, so please put her and her family in your heart and continue to pray for them.

    Then another friend from town recently shared the news with me that her husband has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. They have 3 small children and are just about the most optimistic people I know.  But of course, they really need your prayers. And your help. Please see the flyer and donate blood. If it’s not a match for Rob, it will be for someone who needs it and you could save a life.

    blood-drive-flyerThere are some other families who I know that are having medical crises as well, but I don’t know the status of their loved ones and don’t feel comfortable posting here on the blog. So if you could just say a prayer for…well, everyone, that would be great.


  • babies,  children & families

    the shiv family

    Travelled into Queens for this shoot the day after the big storm. The traffic was terrible and the pot holes were big enough to swallow the minivan in one gulp. But, then there was this…



    …and it was like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.



    Miss S is about 2.5 months old and just sweet as could be. Mommy and Daddy are of course head over heels in love with their little girl. As they should be.




    They were gifted with a bsquared session by mom’s two sisters (one of which was my really good friend in middle and high school and we reconnected on (where else- say it with me) facebook recently.)

    Loved her bright and fun nursery, painted by her artist mom.



    Thanks for making an almost bad morning lots of fun!

