• bsquared business,  personal,  school,  travel

    10 for Tuesday

    *disclaimer: none of the pictures in this post (other than the first one) have anything to do with the subject matter. I just liked them and they are new so they are in the post today.

    1. Having a bit of a mommy crisis. The boys are really wanting to hang out with their friends on their own, but I’m not a big fan of that at this time. By hanging out on their own I mean heading up to the pizza place or walking around town with them with no destination in mind. Apparently quite a few of their friends are doing this as of late.  Uh….no. Absolutely nothing good can come of that in my opinion. They are TEN! Not to mention the fact that they are TEN. Are you getting that they are ten? I have no problem dropping them at the pizza place or movie, or another actual destination when I know some kind of parental supervision will be on hand. Not hovering, just on hand. I mean, do I really think that at ten they have the capacity to get themselves out of a possible sticky or dangerous situation all on their own? No. Especially not with a bunch of other 10 year olds they would be hanging out with making the same possible bad decisions. And I’m not saying any of the kids that are hanging out in town are bad kids. I just don’t think they are ready.  And if they are ‘hanging out’ and walking aimlessly around town at TEN, what the hell will they be doing at 13? Where do they go from here?? So true what they say, the bigger the kid, the bigger the problem. Ugh, being the mom is hard! And with middle school starting in September, I know it’s only going to get harder.

    2. Looks like the bsquared calendar is getting pretty booked up thru the end of July. If you are thinking about booking a shoot for the summer, you may want to do that soon. Here’s a link to the current calendar which is constantly updated: http://www.bsquaredphotography.net/?page_id=6157  I may end up having a number of times available on 5/23, so if you are interested in that date, just shoot me an email and I’ll let you know if it becomes available.

    (working on a little sunflare)

    3. The bsquared calendar for Sept-December will be available at the end of May or early June. I’ll put up an announcement here on the blog, on Facebook (on both my personal page and on the bsquared page) and will send out an email if you’ve contacted me about setting up a fall shoot.

    4. I’m leaving in a week and a day with the whole family to Jamaica (the island, mon. Not Queens.) to shoot a fabulous destination wedding. Just going for the weekend but it should be an awesome, awesome time! Can’t wait to take THOSE pictures and or course, tons of the boys on the beach too! Of course I am not at all looking forward to the flying part of the trip but I got my new Xanax prescription and I’m good to go. Ok, maybe not good, but hopefully not as bad as usual.

    5. I am about 7 shoots behind in editing, which after the weekend with 6 shoots and 1,731 pictures taken is really not so bad. But you know I’d rather be caught up!! If you are waiting for your shoot to be posted, I promise it’s coming soon. Working as hard as I can. Oh, and that doesn’t include the 8 orders I have on my dining room table I still have to pack and get out to clients. Those are coming too!

    6.  Had Timmy’s CPSE meeting last week which went really well and I’m so happy to say that he is ‘graduating’ from PT and OT at the end of this school year in June! After spending 4 years (between him and the big boys) in that waiting room, I couldn’t be happier to be done. He’ll definitely need some OT help once Kindergarten starts but I’m pretty confident that the school will give him the extra help he needs with writing and grip. The OT in the building is really nice and seems like she is really on top of her game and already knows Timmy and what he needs. Omg, kindergarten! Really?? I still cannot/refuse to believe it.

    7. On the Kindle front- recently finished The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Eh. Could’ve totally done without that one- it’s like the same book as the last one, just with a different setting. (The DaVinci Code I really liked). Took me forever to read it cause I just wasn’t invested in the story. Now onto Horns by Joe Hill (who is Stephen King’s son and an excellent writer) and I am loving it. One of those can’tputitdownandcan’twaittoseewhathappensbutdon’twantittoend books. His other book, Heart Shaped Box, was great too. Definitely recommend both. Still have about 12 books in the Kindle on the ‘to read’ list not to mention all the ones out recently I still want to buy and read. You know, in my free time.

    8. Been doing Pilates twice a week over at ABSession in town(this will be my 3rd week) and I’m really really enjoying it. Been doing personal training with Karen (who is kicking my ass. In the best way possible.) and I really like it although it’s safe to say that I am miserably out of shape and completely spastic. But that’s okay cause I know that will change. Eventually. Well, maybe not the spastic part so much….

    9. Did a shoot this past weekend for one of those “we should have been friends already” people. Jen was awesome, as were her three gorgeous girls and is a great bsquared PR agent –before she’s even seen her pictures!!! She is also a very talented makeup artist and I am hoping to introduce her to some of my upcoming brides or anyone who is looking for fantastic makeup for a shoot with me, or just an event. If you are in need of a fantastic makeup artist, email me and I’ll hook you up with Jen! She’s going to do my makeup for my own shoot (which I hope to do in September- have lots of ideas on that one) and I can’t wait!

    10. Ok, so I’m finishing up writing this post at 2:28am. Why? Because I fell asleep in the black hole that is Timmy’s bed from 9pm-11:30pm and now I’m wiiiiiiide awake. Stupid, comfy, warm and cuddly black hole. I can’t escape your clutches.

    11. (I know, it’s supposed to be 10- so sue me. It’s my blog. I’ll do what I want. Mleh.) If you head over to the bsquared photography Facebook page (link to your left) and “like” it (now you don’t become a fan anymore, now you just like it. Semantics but whatever.) two things are going on:

    – If I get to 500 people who ‘like’ my page, I’ll be doing another bsquared photography gift card giveaway. I think I’m over 452 now so we’re close. Tell your friends to ‘like’ it too and we’ll get there soon!

    -I have a new topic up on the discussion board (to find that, just go to the bsquared facebook page and look at the top of the page where you will find a discussions tab. Click on that and you’ll be there) about offering a new product to bsquared clients- an accordian mini book. I’m looking for some opinions to see if there is any interest in these as add ons to your bsquared shoot ($50 for a set of 3 books). If you leave a comment on the discussion board mini books topic, you could get a set for 1/2 off. Can’t wait to hear what you think, so leave me a comment today.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Go take some pictures!

  • children & families

    the hyla family

    Was so excited to do this shoot for this awesome family of (now) 4 boys! They were as well behaved as I remembered and just as gorgeous too. And the new baby was de.lic.ious. Seriously. Ok, so he’s not so new, but he’s still new to me.

    The oldest was celebrating his first communion a few days after our shoot so we took a few special ones for him in his communion outfit before making the change into ‘regular’ clothes for the rest of the shoot. (And I was constantly checking to make sure those white pants were still white every 5 seconds!)

    Some shots of each of the other 3 boys.

    And the whole family. (there are a bunch of ones without the baby doing peek-a-boo, but it was too cute not to post on the blog).

    Mom wanted to be sure we got lots of pictures of the baby this session since there aren’t any of him from our last shoot (for obvious reasons. Like not being born yet.).

    And the infamous ‘walkingawayholdinghands’ shot. Love.

    Thanks to all of you for another fantastic session. I love taking pictures for you and hope you love seeing them just as much! I do have to mention how funny I found the picture below while editing. I swear it looks like the baby has his arm around ‘someone’ too! Hmmmm….maybe it’s time for #5? Just sayin.

  • personal

    playing @ the park with timmy

    Just a few (ok, more than few- you know I just can’t help myself) of Timmy at the park this week. Gotta love this delicious boy! Figured a bunch of sunny pictures on a rainy day (here in NY at least) would be just the thing.

    Keeping the narrative really short for today. After this weekend’s marathon of shoots (with 1,731 pictures over 10 hours) I have a ton of editing awaiting me!

  • personal,  travel

    saturday snapshots

    something new.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday! I’ll be off shooting 5 shoots alllll day. Bring it!

    All these snapshots were taken by Timmy, Jack & Patrick on our Washington DC adventures…

  • product

    bcause i said so- another new batch

    of totally adorable shirts for both boys and girls, twins and singletons, big and small. Wish the big boys were still little- they would definitely be rockin the ‘part of a set’ shirts (except both in blue)…

    If you are interested in purchasing any of the shirts shown here or seeing some of bcause i said so’s other products, visit their website at www.bcauseisaidso.com